Chapter 39

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Ling was left completely stunned. He couldn't believe what just happened.

"Greed!" Ling roared, "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Nothing," Greed responded calmly, "Did you forget who I am? I'm Greed the Avaricious. I want money, women, power, and sex. I want the world in the palm of my hand,"

"What about Jeanie? What about Lan Fan?" Ling yelled.

"I'll come back for Jeanie. Lan Fan could easily find us," Greed responded easily.

"I'm not going to let you go so easily!" Ling announced as he began his struggle to retake control over the body. Feeling a strong pounding, Greed gripped his head. His vision darkened.

"You... are... not.... going to take over!" Greed roared as he stumbled to the ground.

"Master Greed!" The men yelled. The pain in Greed's grey matter denied him the ability to speak. He could only make bubbling noises as he tried to fight Ling. He felt an abrupt stabbing pain in his back. He grunted in pain and jumped up, gripping one of the men by his face.

"What did you do to me?" He growled.

"I-i gave you s-something to stop the Xingese from fighting," The man stammered, "The pain stopped didn't it?" Greed dropped the man realizing he was right.

"Is he gone?" Greed muttered, almost worried.

"No. He's just silenced," The man answered, kneeling before Greed.

"How long til he wakes up?"

"Eight hours," The man answered. Greed nodded and continued following the two men to the base, "We'll be getting on a train to north city. From there we will devise a plan to take over central. For now, we have to hurry," The three sped off into the night, leaving the group alone.

Hearing the loud crash, Jeanie, Lan Fan, Ed, and Al ran outside to find the remains of a man splattered all over the ground. Jeanie covered her mouth in horror seeing blood painted onto the ground. The man's chest was burst open. His ribs were visible for all to see.

"Brother!" Al called out, "Look." Ed ran over to Al. His eyes widened in realization.

"Jeanie," Ed said rather softly, "Where's Greedling?" Jeanie didn't realize that Greed was gone.

"I-i don't know." She stammered, coming to the same realization as Ed. Jeanie approached Ed and Al, holding herself nervously. "Who was he? The dead man," Jeanie asked. Ed and Al exchanged worried looks.

"He's the one with the neck tattoo," Ed answered glancing at the purple bruise on Jeanie's cheek. Jeanie let out an audible gasp. She looked down at the man's body. Her face paled as she shuddered in disgust. Jeanie kept her hand over her mouth to prevent anything from forcing its way out.

"What are we going to do?" Al whispered to Ed.

"First things first," Ed started, "We have to find Greedling,"

"Do you think they kidnapped him?" Al questioned. Ed shrugged his shoulders, entertaining the possibility that Greed went along with them of his own volition. Ed turned to Lan Fan.

"You can track Ling, right? Through chi?" Ed asked. Lan Fan nodded silently.

"I'll always be able to find the young lord," Lan Fan answered pridefully.

"Good. You can go find him. Jeanie you'll stay here with me and Al. It seemed like you were targeted as well," Ed stated.

"I can take care of myself," Jeanie growled, wanting to go with Lan Fan, "Why can't I find him with Lan Fan?"

"If they capture you, we'll have nothing leading us to the rest of them. If they come for you here, then we can tail them without subjecting you as a hostage," Ed reasoned, "Besides, your emotions are powerful. Your alchemy not so much," Jeanie narrowed her eyes at Ed. She activated her transmutation circles on her palms. As if expected, Alphonse swept Jeanie's legs, making sure to catch her in his arms. "Did I also mention, you're predictable?" Ed shot, throwing salt on her wound.

"Shrimp," Jeanie shot back.

"What did you call me?!" Ed yelled.

"You heard me!" Jeanie yelled back.

"SHUT THE HELL UP! SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" Jeanie and Ed looked up seeing a homeless man poking his head out of one of the apartment windows, "Between you two and the four men on the roof, I won't sleep at all!" Jeanie, Ed, and Al exchanged confused glances.

"The men on the roof?" Jeanie thought to herself.

"What men?" Ed yelled back.

"There were four men. One looked like a Xingese with long black hair. I watched him throw one off the roof and leave with the other two!" The homeless man yelled back, "Now shut up and let me sleep!"

"He went with them," Jeanie muttered fearfully to herself as she really began to wonder who she got herself involved with.

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