Tears Come First ~ Chapter 32

Start from the beginning

“No worries I understand what has been going on. Plus my sister her has been keeping me in the loop sending me pictures of Arabella and stuff.” She said as she put one arm around Lisa.

I looked at Madi who looked so big. She looked as if she remembered me coming right into my arms.” I see she has no problem remembering you and this must be Arabella?” Beth said.

Lift Arabella a little I tried to show her to Beth. “You may hold her if you like.” I told her.

“She is so precious. I remember Madi being this little.” Beth whispered.

 “How old is Madi now?” I asked

“Almost two.” Beth said.

“I bet Holden is a growing boy?” I questioned.

“More and more each day.” She informed me.

“We better get to our seats. I will come find you later and catch up.” Beth smiled at me as she handed Arabella back to me. Watching Beth walk out the door it shows me how many people I have met and have grown to love because of Tyler

Handing my baby over to Lisa she  placed Arabella into the wagon and soon reappeared with Ryan and placed him in. They looked extremely cute. I just hoped everything would go smooth. I knew it was no time to worry because Caitlyn assured me that everything was perfect.

I watched as the clocked showed we had 5 minutes left. I slowed my breath and tried to get rid of my nerves. I walked over and placed a kiss on Arabella who was now a sleep beside Ryan. The wedding photographer walked in and snapped a couple a pictures that she had missed earlier.

I made sure she took one of the two sleeping. It was the sweetest thing I’ve seen. The sound of music interrupted my thought and I saw Eric come back to tell us it was time. I smiled as Eric came and wrapped his arm around mine.

Since my father isn’t here to walk me down the aisle Eric said he would happily do it. I had grown thousand times closer to this family than I ever thought I would and I couldn’t help but shed tears of joy because I knew I was about to become Tyler’s wife forever.

I saw Caitlyn turn around and scold me as she waited her turn. I stuck my tongue out at her and she giggled as she blew me a kiss and made her way through the doors and down the aisle. For as quick moment I tried to remember all the good times it was to be Emma Davis.

I remember when my sister Karla and I would pretend to marry the boys who lived on our street. Our parents would always scold us for trying to kiss them, but we didn’t care we thought that’s how you were suppose to get married.

The one time mom had caught us making a wedding dress out of toilet paper had us in trouble for days. I couldn’t help but laugh at all my memories of my family I had. I never thought I would end up some place like I did, with someone who abused me and cared nothing for me.

Kevin was no more than a memory as well as others who hurt me. My parents will always be a part of me as well as my sister Karla. I loved them so much and I wished with everything I had that they could be here with me today.

I felt someone tap on my arm. It quickly caught my attention and caused me to look over at Eric. “Are you ready?” He asked me.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” I responded.

I heard the sound of the wedding march and watched as the doors were opened to allow Eric and I to walk on through. I took two steps through the door and saw how packed it was. I never would have dreamed that all these people cared about me.

Tyler told me that he didn’t figure that the whole pack would show up but it sure looked like it they all did maybe minus a few here and there. I looked up and spotted Tyler standing with a goofy grin on his face.

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