Tears Come First ~ chapter 8

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Heyy Guys!! Like I promised I'm putting up the new chapter :D

I just wanted to thank everyone who's been supporting this story it means a lot to me!!

Since I got 10 votes last time pretty quick I believe you guys can make it to 15 votes! If not, then I'll update next Saturday!! 

Sorry if there are any errors, I was up all last night with some friends for my birthday and I'm super tired but I wanted to update for you all since you got to 10 votes!

But you should vote as a birthday present for me :)

Happy Read!!


Tyler helped me up to my feet then turned me around to look at him “Emma do you trust me.” I nodded “Then trust me when I say I’ll keep you safe.”

“Grab anything you want to take with you, I have a feeling you won’t be coming back.” Tyler said.

I walked to the closet and grabbed the green duffel bag Leigh-Ann had got me and shoved all the clothes I wanted and then the few personal items I actually had.

I turned to Tyler “I’m ready.”

He nodded his head “Okay let’s go home.”


When I got into Tyler’s car I turned to look at him “Where are we going exactly?”

“We are going to my house and you’re soon to be house.” He informed me with a smirk, as he pulled out of the driveway.

“Tyler you don’t have to do this, I’ll be fine. I’ve been putting up with it for awhile now, It become numbed to me in a way.”

“Say all you want Emma but you’re coming to my house, where you are safe. Plus don’t you want to know what my big secret is.” He teased.

Sitting there for a moment I thought about what he could possibly have as a secret that is that awesome he thinks I’ll do anything to find it out “I guess I’ll let you take me to your house, but you can’t tell anyone about Kevin. Deal?”

“What! No it’s not a deal, I can’t do that. He needs to be taken care of.” Tyler shouted causing me to cringe. “Look Emma I’m sorry I yelled at you I can’t stand the thought of him walking around like a cocky bastard for what he’s done. I don’t understand why you are protecting him.”

Shock took over me “I am not protecting him!” I barked at him.

“Then why won’t you let me turn him in, or at least take care of it.”

Wiping away the tears I looked at him “Because it’s embarrassing. Do you know what will happen when you or myself tells? Everyone will find out, what happens when I go to school, what will people think about me being pregnant. For all I know no one will believe me, and then it’ll become worse.”

Tyler took my hand into his while he left the other on the steering wheel. “I believe you, and if everyone does find out so what it’s not your fault any of it happened, it’s his. Who cares what others think anyways because I won’t see you any different then what I already do and nothing can change that.”

“I can’t see why you chose me. You’re this hot guy who could have anyone he wants and he goes after me the girl who has way to many problems to count.”

“I’ll tell you after I get you settled in.” I looked around and notice the car was stopped, and we were at his house.

“Oh okay…” Before I knew it Tyler was out of the car opening my door for me. “Well thanks.” I told him.

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