"We understand mum. We'll do it. We'll make you proud," says Nguvu.

"We'll do our best," Moyo continues.

Zuri smiles and nuzzles them both. The vines covering the lair's entrance drape across Kion, Fuli, Nyota, Siku's shoulders as they exit. Kion and Fuli lick and nuzzle their own cubs.

"Good luck finding your teammates," Kion whispers to his daughter and gives her an encouraging wink.

Nyota returns the wink and says, "thanks dad" before running off Siku.

"Go on you two," Zuri says as she ushes her sons to follow.

Nguvu and Moyo quickly run after their friends in hopes of catching up as everyone at the lair leaves to continue on with their day.

"Any idea who you want in our team?" Siku asks as he and his sister run across the Pridelands with Nguvu and Moyo not far behind.

"I think I already have a few in mind. Should we slow down for them?" Nyota replies and looks over her shoulder at the two lions running behind them.

Siku groans and slows down. Nyota knew he hated to slow down for others but at least he was being nice for once.

"So where are we going oh fierce leader?" Nguvu asks with a huff from the running.

"The waterhole of course. That's where most of the animals go during the day".

Soon enough they arrive at the waterhole, Siku and Nyota barely breaking a sweat, unlike Moyo and Nguvu who were breathing heavily.

Nyota scouts the area for anyone with strength, bravery and keen eyesight. She didn't have to look long before she sees someone. Someone strong. Ahead of them, they see an elephant lifting huge bulders with his trunk to make a new resting place for other animals. The elephant was light grey with long ivory tusks and dark green eyes. He grunts loudly as he lifts another boulder and moves it to the side.

"Kweli?" Moyo questions as he looks at Nyota.

"He's strong but relatively friendly and gentle unless you get on his bad side," Nyota explains.

"Good choice. Why didn't I think of him first?" Siku replies.

Moyo nods and runs over to Kweli and jumps onto the next boulder that Kweli picks up. Kweli continues to carefully move the boulder, knowing full well that the cub was there.

"Hi, Moyo. Is there something I can do for you?" He asks.

"There is actually but I'm not the one asking you. Nyota has a very important question for you," Moyo explains.

Kweli looks over at the other cubs as they run over before carefully putting the boulder down.

"Hello, Kweli. Good to see you," Nyota begins.

"Likewise," Kweli replies.

"I have been chosen to be the next leader of the lion guard. I need to find new members to assemble my team to help me protect the Pridelands. I would like you to be the strongest member. What do you say?"

"Wait. So you were the one who unleashed that roar this morning?"

Nyota nods.

Kweli bends down into a bowing stance, "I am honoured".

"Great! Moving on," Siku yells, eager to find the next member, "I think I know where to find our bravest member".

"Where and who?" Nguvu asks.

"We gotta go to Hakuna Matata Falls for that member".

The group follows Siku's lead to the falls. The jungle never changes. It was always lush and green with life and a magnificent waterfall stands in the centre of it all.

Dawn of a new Guard #10Where stories live. Discover now