(REQUEST) Mingi: Brotherly love

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Sorry for the super late update guys, I've just been super busy with school.

"You better reach here quick or else I'll tickle you until you die!" Mingi said.

"Mhmm yeah sure, anyways I'll talk to you later, the taxi is here. Bye, love you!" I told him as I picked up my suitcase and set it in the open trunk of the taxi.

"Bye love you too, sis." Mingi hanged up.

I slipped my phone into my jacket pocket and got into the backseat of the taxi.

I gave the taxi driver the address and sat back and watched the scenery pass by.

About half an hour later we reached, the taxi pulled up in front of a tall building. I paid my fare and grabbed my luggage from the trunk, I waved at the driver and turned to walk into the building.

I walked into the building and went over to the elevators, I pressed the button to go up an waited.

While waiting, I took out my phone and called Mingi.

"Hey," I said as he picked up.

"Hey, did you reach?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm about to go on the elevator, fourth floor right?" I asked getting into the open elevator that had just arrived.

"Yep, I'll be waiting for you outside." He hung up.

I clicked the button for the fourth floor and let out a nervous breath. I was excited as I was nervous to see Mingi after a long time. 

The elevator dinged when it reached the fourth floor.

This is the moment of truth.

I walked out and looked around for Mingi but I didn't see anyone. I shrugged my shoulders and walked to my left.

"BOO!" Mingi shouted as he jumped from the corner.

"AHH!" I scream smacking him and dropping my suitcase at the same time.

"Mingi you asshole!" I screamed at him.

He laughed. "Nice to see you again Y/n. I missed you." He opened his arms out wide for a hug.

I smacked his chest (which he chuckled at) and then stepped into his arms and embraced him back.

"I missed you to doofus." I tried to say, but it came out all muffled from my face being squished in his chest.

"C'mon, you remember the boys right?" He asked throwing an arm around my shoulder and grabbing my suitcase with the other.

"Of course I do, How can I forget such wild people," I told him with a smirk on my face.

"Good because they missed you as well." He said stopping at a door and pulling out some kind of key card.

He swiped it against a scanner and the scanner beeped with a green light to show that it was unlocked.

"Ladies first." He smirked at me as he opened the door for me.

"Shouldn't you go first then." I sneered as I walked into the dorm.

"You're right!" With that, he pushed me out of the way and strutted in like a model. "I'm here! It's me Y/n" He dramatically cried with and high pitched voice.

Yikes, I internally cringed.

"Y/n?" Someone asked curiously from behind the door.

"Yes it is I Y/N" Mingi winked and blew a wet kiss towards them.

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