(REQUEST) Jongho: Justice

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"Hey Jongho, it's y/n. I'm just calling to see if everything's alright. You haven't been answering my calls. Um.. call me back when you can. Bye. Love you." I left the voicemail on his phone. 

This was the fifth time in a row where he hasn't been picking up my calls. I trust him enough to believe that he wouldn't cheat and he finishes work at 5 pm the latest. I guess he's just busy.

I sighed and sat down on a couch and switched on the TV. I changed the channel to the guide to see what was showing. I decided on a movie called White House Down. 

The movie was almost done when Jongho walked into the living room.

"Where were you?" I asked keeping my eyes on the screen before me.

"I got caught up in traffic." He said plainly.

"You couldn't call or let me know? I was worried about you." I sighed and dropped my head into my hands.

"Babe I'm sorry I really am. It's just that I saw someone text and drive and get into a really bad accident. I don't want to risk it." He came over and kneeled down in front of me, grabbing my hands.

"Alright I understand." I caressed his left cheek softly.

I looked at him and saw how tired he looked. Like he was mentally and physically drained.

"Awh babe you look tired, want me to make you something?" I asked him getting up.

"Yes please." He fell back onto the sofa.

Normally we would cook together when I come home from work, since I work later than him, but today was my day off so I decided to cook instead.

I decided to make some pasta since it would be quick to make. I got everything I needed and set it up so I wouldn't have to go look for it while I cooked. I turned on the stove and put on a pot of water, and in a next pot I caramelized some onions for the sauce. I added the pasta as soon as the water started boiling and added a pinch of salt. As I was stirring the food, I felt two arms snake around my waist.

"Well hello there." I smiled putting some chopped up chicken into the now caramelized onions.

"Hi." Jongho snuggled his face into my neck and planted a kiss on my shoulder.

"How was work, you seem awfully tired." I asked letting go of the spoon to brush his hair back.

"Yeah, busy day." He lifted his head to watch me use a knife and pop open a can of pasta sauce. "You do know you could have just asked me to open it for you." He chuckled.

"My knife will always be stronger than you." I twisted my neck to look back at him and stuck out my tongue at him when he looked at me.

He smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah," He grasped me tighter and lifted me high off the ground.

"Jongho put me down!" I said while laughing, well tried to tell him.

He laughed along with me and set me back down on the floor.

"You always seem to lift my mood y/n" He smiled gratefully at me.

"Duh, I'm awesome." I said in a serious tone before cracking a cheesy smile.

I added the sauce into the chicken and let it start to bubble before I drained the pasta and added to the sauce. 

"Can you set the table babe? While I bring the pasta." I patted his cheek.

"Yeah sure." He planted a kiss on my cheek and grabbed to glasses and plates and the utensils and left.

I turned off the stove and stirred the pasta a bit before bringing to the table and setting it down in the middle.

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