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NOTE: Alright, this chapter IS actually a continuation from the last one. I decided to put it into parts because it would be so long as one chapter ._. Also, I forgot to clearly mention in the last part that everyone looks like their real life selves. So yeah, Sky looks like Adam, Deadlox looks like Ty, blah blah blah. Anyway, you should probably know the concept of "Normal Happiness" by now so... enjoy!
P.S. At the end of this chapter is basically a little summary of the series which will hopefully clear some things up if you were confused :)

Everything seemed to be perfect after that. Mitch and Jerome got married, though they had no wedding. Instead, they just told Sky and Ty that "weddings are overrated," and the couple just went with it. Sky and Ty eventually married, and the four guys met a group of three girls: Alexa, Jessica, and Ash. Turns out Alexa was actually Jason's sister, and she had no idea he was dead. They became a group of seven, and it was probably the most amazing thing to happen to them. But, the three girls had passed away, all of them being murdered by a homophobic bitch.

One thing in the midst of all that were horrid, however. They met a strange girl named Alicia at a carnival, who claimed she was a lesbian. Her mother was with her, and surprisingly tried to kill her daughter and the two couples by... exploding them. She failed, and was given the nickname "Homophobic Bitch" by Sky.

Alicia and the four guys became great friends, until the day Sky was going to propose to Ty. The two remember the day as if it just happened an hour ago...

Sky had to travel to a town to buy the ring. He easily got it without any trouble, and he was so excited to finally propose to Ty. He thought everything would be perfectly fine, but sadly, it wasn't.

Sky told Ty earlier to meet him on a cliff with a beautiful view of the sunset, and while Ty waited for his boyfriend there, Alicia decided to follow him. She lied. About everything. She's not a lesbian, she never was. In fact, she had teamed up with her mom to get rid of the gays.

"Ty, before I go, may I ask you a question?"


"Do you truly love Sky?"


"Well, not anymore." She walked over to Ty and pressed her lips against his. He was disgusted, so he tried pushing her off of him, and he succeeded. She stumbled backwards and fell to the ground, revealing Sky, who had been hidden behind her head.

"Sky, fuck," He muttered under his breath. He gave Alicia a death glare, who in return just smiled back. Her face showed no sign of regret, so Ty took a step back. "I swear, she was the one who kissed me. I would never cheat on you. I love you so fucking much."

Sky said nothing, but he only stepped forward. He moved cautiously, afraid that Alicia would do something horrible. All I can say from here is that, well... he should've been more careful.

"He's going to propose to you, Tyler. He wants to marry you, and might as well get on with it, I'm getting bored." Alicia stands up and eyes the two boys.

Sky knew what would happen next. He knew it wouldn't end well, so all he could do was get down on one knee and pull out the small box. He opened it and revealed a ring, making Ty smile from ear to ear. Sky didn't even get a chance to open his mouth before Ty simply said, "Yes." Sky slipped the ring on Ty's finger and they kissed, much to Alicia's disgust.

"I love you so much, Ty. Don't you ever forget it."

"I love you, too."

"Good job, you got your happy ending! Yay," Alicia said sarcastically. She looked at both boys; Sky's eyes shined with fear, and Ty was crying both tears of joy and sadness. "I hate happy endings." She took a few steps closer to Sky, and pushed him off the cliff.

"SKY!!! NO!" Ty screamed, running to the edge of the cliff. He watched as his lover fell, getting and closer and closer to his death. The screams of his lover echoed in his mind, leaving a scar that will never heal.

"Ty... please save me..." Sky tried screaming as he fell off the cliff. He hoped in some way he'd be able to see the man he loves again, but hopefully not in death. It was only a millisecond of pain, thankfully; Sky could barely feel when he hit the ground. He didn't want to die, he really didn't. His life was no longer a mess.

"You bitch," Ty spat, tears streaming down his cheeks. Alicia just laughed, nodding her head as a thank you. Then she walked away, leaving Ty to mourn Sky. But of course, he couldn't handle what happened.

So he ran, and jumped.


Summary of the FT Series:

Sky and Ty both save each other from bullies, immediately becoming friends. The start to fall in love with each other' and Sky's going a little insane because of the voice of his father in his head. Later on, they meet Sky's long last friends Mitch and Jerome, who made a new friend, Jason. Jason kisses Sky, who then runs after Ty who self harms. They kiss and start dating, which leads to Jason killing himself. They befriend Jason's sister, Alexa, and Ty's dad comes along like an asshole and tries to kill everyone, but Ty kills his father himself.
They end up going to a carnival where they meet the Homophobic Bitch and her daughter Alicia. They end up in a hospital where Ty gets will angry and overprotective of Sky and turns into some kind of monster. I never explained this, but really it's just his inner demons. We all have demons, honestly, but at that point Ty really showed his.
Alicia claims she's a lesbian, but she's really not. She just needs to trick the boys so she can help her mom kill them. They become friends, but Alicia ends up killing Mitch, Jerome, and Alexa. Sky is going to propose to Ty, but finds him kissing Alicia. Sky jumps off the cliff and kills himself, Ty following right behind.

They are given a second chance at life and reincarnate on Earth instead of Minecraft, though they are somehow the same age as when they died, and they were not born again. Sky's father is no longer in his head, shit went down, they met Jessica, she died, Jerome got trapped back in Minecraft, they went back in MC to save him, Mitch and Jerome died, Ty was taken away, and yeah.

They meet Ash. She dies. More shit goes down. Ty is tortured. Blah blah blah, Ty is dies from being burned alive, turns out this whole time Sky (aka Adam) was actually in a coma and dreamt of a whole new world to stay alive. Ty was his boyfriend in real life, and Alexa, Jessica, and Ash were his sisters. But then he died too. THE END :D


Well, Potatoes. This was the official final chapter. I hate to say goodbye to this series... but everything must come to an end eventually. I have no idea what kind of other stories I will write, but I'm never going to stop writing.

I just want to thank you Potatoes for reading this trilogy. It's been a lot of fun writing, and I'm so glad many of you stuck around and rode this roller-coaster of feels. I've been on Wattpad for over a year, and because of Forever Together, I would never be where I am today. I would never have you amazing Potatoes, I would never be in many fandoms that I'm in today, and I'd never have met a few people that became really close friends.

I love you guys so much <3


(p.s. PM me if you ever want to talk, I'd love to be in contact with you Potatoes!!)

A Final Chance to be Forever Together {Skylox} [FINAL BOOK]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon