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I'm so sorry (not sorry) for putting you Potatoes through this. I really am xD

*Sky's POV*

"Not again!" I yelled, running as fast as I could. I ran in circles because I didn't want to run away and get lost and lose Ty, so I stayed in one place while he slept.

"I just want you to dance with us!" Their little squeaky voices said.

"Dance with us! Dance with us!" They kept on squealing. I tried covering my ears, but damn, that made it worse.

"What now-" I heard Ty say. He woke up, and he saw the apples. He shrieked and started running away, and I followed him. But the apples followed us, and they ran pretty fast with their tiny legs and fat bodies.

"Dance! Dance! Dance!" The talking and dancing apples said.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Ty screamed at them. First the piglox hallucinations, then the sky squids, then the Bodil creepers, and now this?! What the hell did I do wrong to deserve this?

We kept on running for hours, and we cried tears of joy when we could no longer hear the squeals of the talking and dancing apples. We were in the middle of an empty field, and we were lost. But we were surrounded by peace and quiet.

"What's happening right now is definitely not natural." I said to Ty.

"I know. But, you could say its super natural." He snickered. I eyed him, confused about what he just said. But he kept on laughing, so I ignored it.

That night we could finally sleep, and when we woke up, everything was normal. Thank. God.

I could still remember the fat, red bodies of the apples with their high pitched squeals and terrifying dance moves. And that is something I am sure I will never forget.

A Final Chance to be Forever Together {Skylox} [FINAL BOOK]Where stories live. Discover now