The End

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This is the final chapter of this trilogy.

I've decided to put the authors note in the beginning of the chapter instead at the end of it.

It's been fun, and painful, but really fun.

Also, if you see the photo, do NOT fully look at it until you are finished reading the chapter. It's fan art drawn by one of my good friends, @BejeweledTurtle

God, there are going to be so many passengers on the feels train today.


I just finished writing this chapter. Honestly, I started crying while writing this. Not because of feels, but because of something that got me to 800 Potatoes was finally ending. But thank you all so much if you stuck with me until the very end. I love all of you who voted, commented, and followed. It means so much to me <3

But there will be something after this. It may take me a while to make, but lets just say it's the final bonus chapter, and it's going to actually be happy. Yep, happy.

I'm going to miss all of you so much, and I hope to see you Potatoes in my other stories.

Well, here goes nothing...

*Sky's POV*

I could only stand still in shock as my father hung up. The agonizing screams that came from Ty echoed through my head, leaving a painful scar. I was still confused, though. How did a random phone appear out of nowhere? Why did my dad whisper an address in my ear before he hung up? Why the hell was Ty yelling? What did those dicks do to my baby? But I had a feeling none of those questions would be answered unless I could save Ty.

Luckily, on the phone there was a GPS app, so I could easily look up the address and save my baby. I was still confused about the phone, but now wasn't the time to be questioning things like that. I just needed to save Ty, and everything will go back to normal. Hopefully. But why the hell would my father tell me am address? It could be a trap... or Ty.

"This is the end. Hold your breath and count to ten. Feel the earth move and then hear my heart burst again." I suddenly heard somebody sing. I swung my head around frantically, trying to find who was singing. That's when I remembered the strange, invisible person who was talking to me eariler. It sounded exactly like them, and I was eager to find out who exactly this person was.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you singing that?"

"Adam, sweetie. You'll need it for later."

"Why? Who the hell are you? And my name isn't Adam!" The mysterious person didn't reply to me, making me scoff. That's when I ran where the GPS directed me to. I didn't pay attention to how long I was running, I just ran. Soon enough I approached a small building, and it felt like I was only running for a few minutes. But time doesn't matter right now. Only Ty. Save Ty, find answers to questions later. That's how I'm going to do this.

I banged on the door, hoping someone who open it. When nobody did I tried opening it, and to my surprise it was unlock. I quickly ran inside and checked all the rooms with closed doors, for none had an open door. That's when I was the room at the end of the hall. The door was wide open, and I had a strange feeling as I ran towards it. And that strange feeling did not feel pleasant.

"Ty, baby, you here?" I called out as I entered the room. I suddenly gasped when I saw the figure in the middle of the room. I sprinted toward them, praying that it was Ty. Luckily, it was. But what I saw was... horrid.

"Ty, oh god, please be alright. Baby?" I saw that he wore an eyepatch, and I lifted it up to reveal an empty hole. He didn't have an eye. One of his beautiful eyes were missing. It was disgusting, what they did to him. All because he loved another man...

I realized he didn't have a thumb, either. He also had two knives stuck in both of his legs. Worst of all, he didn't even look like himself anymore. He was burnt up, and you could barely tell it was him. I guess it was easy for me, seeing his headphones, and his perfect hair. Oh god, his headphones. They were broken up and didn't really look like anything any more. But there was one part of Ty that still looked like him. His lips. They were still perfect, as if somehow they were protected by some invisible forcefield.

"Ty, babe. Wake up. It's me, Sky. I love you so much Ty, please just wake up!" I kissed him repeatedly, telling him to wake up. Sometimes while kissing him I could taste my own salty tears, but I tried my best to ignore that. I was expected some "Sleeping Beauty" stuff to happen, hoping I was the prince that would be able to kiss the beautiful princess awake. But no, that didn't happen.

"WAKE UP!" I started yelling. My voice cracked as I sobbed, wrapping my arms around Ty's neck and pressing my forehead against his. I shut my eyes and continued yelling. "JUST WAKE UP, DAMMIT! PLEASE, TY. WAKE UP. I NEED YOU, BABY. PLEASE!" But it was no use.

Ty was dead.

I opened my eyes and stared at Ty. He was tortured and I wasn't there to do anything. If only we haven't fallen in love with each other, he'd still be alive. I have him one last kiss as I stood up, staring at his corpse that was stuck in a chair.

"I love you, so much." I said, waving goodbye. I left the building with tears in my eyes, and I didn't bother to wipe them. I didn't bother looking back, either. That doesn't do anyone any good but just make them cry even more.

"Adam, I know you want to be happy. I can make you happy." The mysterious voice suddenly spoke as I shuffled away from the building, away from Ty.

"Can you bring back Ty?"

"No, not exactly. Sorry."

I sighed. I guess he really is gone. "But maybe you might consider this happiness if I told you a story and gave you something." A shiny object suddenly fell from the sky and into my hands. I immediately knew what it was. The ring. I slipped it on my finger and looked at the sky, crying even more. I could no longer speak, for I was sobbing to much. So I just nodded, indicating that the voice should just tell it's damn story.

"Adam, none of this is real. The real world is Earth. You dreamt about it, before. Remember? Right now you are in a hospital, dying."

"Wh-what do y-you me-mean?" I managed to say. Suddenly, a woman appeared in front of me. She had brown hair, which was slightly curly, and she was dressed in casual clothes; t-shirt, jeans, and converse. She definitely looked older than me, however. Like she was about fifty-years-old.

"I'm your mother, Adam. Your real mom. You created this world while in a coma, dreaming up the perfect boyfriend. You would always look up at the sky with your real boyfriend, and had nothing to deal with. Except for the bullies at school. Then your boyfriend killed himself. You slit your wrists, and now you're fighting for your life in some damn hospital. Honey, I can make this all end. I can make you happy. Just take my hand, Adam." My "mom" reached out her hand toward me, staring at me with a sympathetic look. I believed her, about the whole story.

"What w-was my boy-boyfriend's name?" I asked out of curiosity.

She smiled. "Ty."

I had my final chance to be with Ty, and I wasted it. It was my final chance to be forever together, and I wasted it. Or maybe this is my final chance, right now. Maybe this happiness is the key to really being forever together with Ty. So I slowly reached out my hand and grabbed my mother's.

A weight was instantly lifted off my shoulders. I felt free. I looked around to see that everything turned white, and I was slowly floating upwards into an even brighter light. As I floated higher I could hear the screams and cries of a woman, and people telling her to calm down. I also heard the beeping of a hospital machine and it slowed down the higher I got. But finally, the line went dead. A horrid sound it was, but it slowly faded away. But finally, I went even higher.

I'm coming, Ty. It's time to officially be forever together. I had realized I was so high up in the sky when I could see a bright, glowing ring. It was easy to tell that it was a beautiful halo, and it was finally time for me to put it on.

A Final Chance to be Forever Together {Skylox} [FINAL BOOK]Where stories live. Discover now