A Final Chance to be Forever Together {Skylox} [FINAL BOOK]

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Yep. This is it. The last book in my Skylox series. Now, save your tears for later... please. I would not want you crying all over your computer/tablet while reading this.

Well, you most likely will cry at the end... (hint hint... heh heh)

The title, if you haven't noticed already, is pretty much the names of the first (Forever Together) and second (A Second Chance) stories mashed together. :P

If you made it this far into the series, BLESS. YOUR. HEART. (Because you obviously don't have a soul, you sold it to me once you became a Potato. Don't worry, I'm treating your souls very nicely. They make excellent toppings for pizza :3)

Well, Im gonna let you read now... ENJOY!



*Ty's POV*

Sky... I thought you loved me... Why would you do this to me? It hurts... so much... I felt the blood trickle down my forehead as my vision quickly faded. Soon enough, everybody's voices were muffled, then everything went completely silent. I couldn't see a thing, and all I could feel was pain. And I never understood why he would do that to me...


My eyes slowly fluttered open. I was in an extremely bright room, but nobody was with me. The room was about the size of a hospital room. That's probably because it IS a hospital room. My vision was a little blurred, so I couldn't quite make things out, but I saw huge red smudges on every wall. I slowly sat up, my head pounding. I lightly touched my head with the tips of my fingers, only to wince and give out a little cry of pain. My vision finally came into focus, and I gasped at the sight of the walls, "Holy shit..." The walls were smeared with blood. I immediately closed my eyes and opened them back up. The blood on the walls were gone; the blood was never there. Suddenly, the door across of the room opened, and a girl stepped inside, a smile on her face.

"Ah, you're awake. How do you feel?" She asked politely.

"Terrible." I answered, with a smirk.

"Oh, of course you must feel that way, you were nearly murdered," She replied after a few moments. "Anyways, my name is Ash, I am you're private nurse."

"Hello, Ash." I said as nicely as I could. I tried to ignore the throbbing in my head, somehow succeeding.

"Now, I need to run a few tests, if that's alright." I nodded. She started doing some tests, sticking needles in my arms, and I stayed silent the whole time. I wasn't really in the mood to strike up a conversation after what happened... Finally after Ash finished, she asked me a question. "This may hurt you, mentally, but what exactly do you remember whenever you were nearly killed?"

Tears started to form in my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away. "Sky... got down on one knee and smiled, and he showed me this real sharp blade. I heard him say something, but I could barely make out his words. I covered my mouth and started to cry, because I knew he was going to kill me. Then, a man came up from behind, and he did NOT look happy. And then, Jason came. I thought he was dead... But he was alive. Sky started to move towards me with the blade while Jason was being held back, trying to stop him. Next thing I know, I'm in here." My voice started to fade at the last sentence. Ash just nodded and looked at me with a sad smile.

"I know how you feel... well, sort of." She stifled a laugh. "My boyfriend, we were just, uhm, out at our favorite spot. And, uh, well, Sky's dad found us... He kidnapped us and started to experiment on us. But, one of my boyfriend's experiments went horribly wrong, and he... died." Ash choked back her tears, and it was easy to tell that she was deep in thought of remembering what had happened.

"So, your boyfriend never tried to murder you?" I chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Y-yeah." She answered. She smiled, and after that we both stayed silent, and Ash wrote down something on her clipboard. "Okay, I'm just going to leave you rest, now. Have a nice day, Ty. I'll be back tomorrow." And with that, Ash left the room, and I was able to replay all the horrifying thoughts of what happened over and over again in peace.

*Sky's POV*

Ty's alive... I can't believe it! My baby is alive... I need to find him. Suddenly, I heard a bell. I heard lots of footsteps heading in one direction. I rushed over to the bars and looked around, and finally saw a clock. It was noon; it was also lunch break. Great, now I just need to escape. I looked back at Alesa's severed head. I wish she could escape with me, be free, and finally just live a normal life. Well, almost normal.

After a few moments of thinking, I had a plan. I highly doubted that it would work, but it was worth a try. First, I slipped my arm between two bars. Because it fit, I tried slipping my leg through, which got stuck. "Dammit." I muttered under my breath. I honestly thought it would work, but I was wrong. I yanked my arm and leg out from between the bars. I sighed, and tried to think of a new plan. Nothing was coming to mind.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared inside my cell. I squinted and tried shading my eyes, looking away from the blinding light. "Biggums, its just us!" A familiar voice said. Slowly I turned back towards the bright light, which had faded away. I gasped. I was standing face to face with a bacca and a boy.

"H-How...?" I asked, very uneasy.

"Sorry to say this, but, we are still dead." Mitch chuckled. "But we know how to get you out."

"How?!" I asked again, this time more enthusiastic.

"Take my hands," Jerome said, reaching out his hands. I confusedly grabbed his hands. "Now, close your eyes." I did as he said. Suddenly, I felt a huge gust of window. "Open." I opened up my eyes and gasped; we were right outside my cell.

"Sorry we couldn't take you farther, that was all we could do with our power left. But, our time her has run out. Goodbye, Sky. I hope you will find him." Mitch smiled and started to fade away.

"Goodbye, Biggums. See you in the afterlife!" He sang. We both laughed and he faded away, too. Soon enough, my two best friends were gone. For good, this time. I sniffled and wiped the tears that started forming in my eyes. They used the rest of their lives just to save mine...

But then, my mind immediately went blank. How the hell did I get out here? I shrugged, and just took it as luck. Suddenly I heard a bell ring, and many footsteps approaching. Lunch was over, so I had to move fast.

I quickly sprinted the opposite direction of the footsteps, prepared to do anything to get my Ty back.





Anyways, please go check out my Update book for.. you know... updates...


Well, see you Potatoes in the next chapter! Love ya ;3


Jessica, OUT

A Final Chance to be Forever Together {Skylox} [FINAL BOOK]Where stories live. Discover now