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Maddie was still wie awake at 12 in the middle of the night─alone in her room─Niall pleading outside her room.

"Maddie, please open up─I'll show the real me─please open up." Niall's forehead was against the door with his hand on the doorknob. She was just hugging her knees afraid that Niall was lying.

"Go away! You're a killer! You killed my family, please look for other family to kill."

"Maddie, I said I am not. I'm far from being a killer─" then a pause. "─Well okay, maybe near from it but you need to see me."

"Why me? Why did you chose me? What did I ever do wrong to you?!" she yelled as she opened the door to see a fresh looking Niall.

"Because I like you, Maddie! I like you ever sine you moved here in this place or maybe before you moved here. I am your stalker─I stalk you. I go to this place when you're fast asleep. Ever since you were 7, I am watching you!" Niall started.

"What?! Ever since I am 7?! How the hell did you even know me? How could you enter the fucking house when you don't enter─I mean without a key? And why would you stalk me at the age of 7?!" she started screaming at the same time, her heartbeat beats fast.

He took a deep breath before speaking again. "I kill families because I killed my own. I don't have a sister so that's why I'm not killing you nor the other girls. I know you because I watched your mom labored you─" he paused but raised his hand to stop her. "I'm at the age of 30 when she labored you and then started liking you after 7 years. Ever since that I never stopped liking you─I was 37 that time. Then years go by─I age so fast when you were 16. But now that you're 21 as well, I guess I don't look old for you." he smirked.

"How old are you?" she asked.

"I'm 130 years old."

"Are you a vampire? That's why you kill people?"

He shake his head, "I never was a vampire but if I really tell you who I really am you'll avoid me just like what's happening─"

"Just tell me─how the fuck am I going to know if you keep on saying that?!" she cutted him off.

"I'm a demon, Maddie. A fucking demon! I drink people's blood after I kill them and eat their heart! Then throw them in a place where I keep my dead people!"

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The Boy On Cinnamon Street » n.h. {au} ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang