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Later that night, she turned off her phone so she couldn't receive calls because she thinks it's a prank.

It was now around 3 in the morning and she was fast asleep when suddenly the home phone started to ring. She got annoyed and stood up and made her way down the stairs and opened the lightsand bumped into a shoe rock and she covered her mouth from screams.

'Too much scary for a day' she sighed.

She turned around and saw a black hoodie in front of her, startling her.

'Fuck, can this day turn out more scarier?' she asked herself.

The ringing of the phone stopped when she got closer to it and she cussed under her breath. Once again, she was about to go back to her room when the phone began to rang again.

She picked it up, "Hello?" she answered.

"M-Maddie." the other line spoke.

Her eyes went wide and got nervous, "Uh─ may I know who's calling?"

"I'm watching you." his scary voice could fill the silent room. "Better watch your back."

She quickly hung up and ran to her room and as soon as she came there─ her picture frame fell off her drawer and she almost screamed out loud.

Then noises on her window was starting to make. She saw a branch of the tree and saw a bird flew at her direction and her heart beats faster than usual.

She saw the same boy under the lamp post─ looking at her and she shut her window and turned and dropped another frame, accidentally and it fell onto her foot.

She bent down to check if her foot and the frame is still okay and she left the frame from where she dropped it and quickly laid down in bed.

She pulled the covers all over her body and she started playing songs on her radio to keep her calm.

She peeked through the covers to see something just walked past her room─ wearing black and she quickly got under again and tried to calm herself down.

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The Boy On Cinnamon Street » n.h. {au} ✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum