Chapter 2 Complications

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I just want to apologize if the start to this is long and tedious.

Boring was a complement to the train ride it was Earth shatteringly boring. The idea of an underwater tunnel that trains went through from Sinnoh to Kalos was awesome but it's not really. At all. The grey concrete walls didn't provide much of a view. Hand luggage was stored above and getting up every 5 minutes because every device you brought died can be very awkward. Gary fell asleep with in the first hour. Hannah was amazed at this she could never sleep on any ride. Pokemon weren't allowed out either. So for 6 hours Hannah just stared at the letter. She had received it from Rowan saying that her father was alive and her guardian was her grandmother. Not her actual mother. Her fathers hand writing was very neat but swishes at the same time in the letter was the train tickets. There was two. Did her father know about Gary? Or did he intend for Rowan to go? And was he her real father?

When they got to Lumiose city they started making their way to Route Seven they made their way through a small town with a nice castle. "Hannah?" Gary started.
"yeah?" She responded
"If this whole thing goes south what are you going to do?"
"Well where are you going to live you can't go back to your grandma?"
"Hannah she beat you. You can't go back I won't let you"
Hannah sighed he cared more than he should of. "Well what's your master plan?"
Gary smiled this is what he wanted her to say. "Come live with me in Kanto"
"Gary I don't think your Grandad would take that too well"
Gary smirked "I'm not talking about Gramps place"
Hannah turned behind her the Porsche had covered a lot of ground. "Where else could we go?"
"The indigo league gave me my own little place in the resort area in Sinnoh"
"Lets just try and pin our hopes on this"
"I care about you Hannah I just want you to be happy"
Hannah stared at him, he didn't stare back probably because he was concentrating on the road. "I care about you too" Hannah finished. Gary smiled in the corner of his mouth.

When they arrived a huge building stood in front of them. "This can't be the right place" Hannah exclaimed. A butler came up to the Porsche. He walked to the passenger side of the car and opened the door "We've been expecting you Hannah you too Gary" He bowed. Gary opened his door and got out as did Hannah. "We'll park your car for you sir" the butler said.
"Thanks but that won't be necessary"Gary said he was very protective of his car.
"I insist" The butler insisted.
Gary sighed he wouldn't win this argument. He threw the keys to the butler. "Just Don't scratch it ok?"
"Of course sir"

When they entered they were blinded from the light of every gold feature on the walls, floors and ceilings. A giant Milotic statue surrounded by Pawniward statues was the first thing they spotted. A chandelier hung above them it looked so heavy that it would just snap the chain holding it. "Welcome to Parfum Palace or your new home" shouted a man that had just entered. He had dark blueish purple hair and dark blue eyes. He also wore very fine looking clothes. His shoes had not a single scuff in sight, his shirt and trousers had no wrinkles and his tie was a black tied under his collar. On top of all this he wore a lab coat that was a pure crisp white. His accent sounded very formal it was almost intimidating. Gary and Hannah both stared at him. The butler entered at this time. The man stared at them back. "Oh where are my manners. I'm Augustine Sycamore or you can just call me dad Hannah." He shouted. He seemed to shout a lot but that was probably a given considering you long and echoing the halls were.Gary extended his arm. Sycamore grabbed it. They shook. "Gary Oak, your daughters boyfriend" Gary loosened his grip.

That's how it came to be Hannah and Gary settled in to their new home the change wasn't easy. Having a bodyguard follow you around all the time. Meeting obscure relatives that hated you even though you've never met. Being introduced to young entrepreneurs that were clearly hitting on you and your father just stood there doing jack shit. On the surface everything seemed fine but that's just the surface.

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