chapter 6

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Hello readers

Let's begin

Swaragini was talking and somebody came inside and then put their hands on Swara's shoulder.
( correct guess guys it was Laksh and offering help).

Laksh -" I can help you".

Ragini -" I don't need your help".

Laksh narrowed his eyes -" I am not asking you, I am talking to Swara".

Ragini make sulking face -" she is my sister and we both are talking about something important"..( Swara tried to interrupt but again Laksh spoke) -" so what am I talking to my friend and by the way if you will take my help your height wont decrease, you African giraffe".

Ragin's eyes widened listening this, Swara giggles, Ragini angrily -"what did you call me African giraffe... you... you.. you black chimpanzee".

Swara suppress her lips to control her laugh.

Laksh shocked -"what me chimpanzee where have you drop your eyes you African giraffe or watching me from such height that this handsome face looks like giraffe to you".

Ragini fakely laugh -" haha handsome from which angle".

like this they continued their fight swara fedup and shouts loudly -"enough both of you
(both stopped) & now not a single word".

Both together -" why are you asking me ask him / her".

Swara angrily -" shut up I said shut up or else I will leave".

Both together -" no no no please don't go". (Swara stops)

Ragini -"this is all because of you".

Laksh -" oh hello because of you not me, you talk so much".

Swara shouts again ENOUGH

both stops and look Swara by making innocent faces, 
Swara -"keep finger on your lips". now both cutely kept finger on their lips.

Swara -" Ragini please it's a very important matter lets take Laksh's help at least listen what he want to say".

Laksh -" see your sister is smarter than you". (Ragini make faces irritatedly).

Swara -" laksh please if you fight like this then won't be able to plan out anything".

Ragani -" yes Sona what is the need of this chimpanzee's help".

Swara literally tired of fight -" please both of you I beg of u stop fighting and be serious".

both together -" sorry".( swara chuckled by their antics & thinks both are still primary kids)

Swara -"ok tell me what do you think about this Laksh".

Laksh -" we should search dadi's cabinet and go through all her stuff maybe we'll find out something about her plan".

Ragini -" wonderful chimpanzee what an idea, I already did that she doesn't have anything here" mummers -" wastage of time ".

Laksh - "you tall giraffe you only see everything from far only dadi might keep anything in her safe to in gadodia mansion".

Ragini -" you fat brain chimpanzee since dadi came here she didn't go to Baadi, even after you bail out".

Swara -" Ragini maybe she went out and we didn't know, let me ask maa, she might know about dadi's arrival to Baadi".  ( she called to Sharmistha & asked about dadi).

On call

Swara -" hello maa, I wanna ask you something very important ".

Shomi -" yes Sona".

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