A little later he came back and sat on the same spot and asked me something that literally shocked me so much. I did not expect that at this moment.

He asked. "There isn't much time left to get back to the city but before that, I want to ask something."

"What is it?" I say quickly.

"Yesterday when we encounter Edward and you said something by the car. Something like that you had been in trouble because of me. What was that suppose to mean! And don't lie as I have this hunch that there is something you want to tell me but there is also something else that is holding you back!"

Tell him?? What did I say in his car? I thought for a moment, recalling what happened there. I was asking my boss to not defend me when I wanted to speak for myself but he yelled me for not telling him about Edward's threat. And that's when I accused him of what troubles he had caused me.

And the answer is clear. I do have a lot of things and it's my bad luck that he had not made it easy for me. And again, it's so true that I'm holding it back because it is solely my problem.

"I have no idea what you're talking bout." I lie.

"You're lying!" He confidently tells me.

"I'm not!" I decline once again. Maybe if he remembered the night in L.A. His constant need to keep me close to him then it would've been easier to acknowledge.

"Don't lie, Caroline!" Boss hissed.

"Why would I? Besides, you are paying me well. My work is not burdening at all, except when you wanted me to fix your love life with Roseline."

Boss took a deep breath before he says to me. "You'll have to tell me one day. But now, let's go. It's time for us to leave."

Quickly, I got up and we walk through the small shrubs and we try to find our way to the main street rather than struck at some tree or bench that surround the public park. Boss checks his phone once again and luckily it started working but not the touch screen.

His countless effort to make touch screen work fails miserably. Once we walk from the muddy ground to clear cemented road, boss lost his patience with his iPhone. He was on the verge of breaking it, I guess when I happen to spot a guy on black or blue nylon t-shirt and pants jogging.

It's almost dawn, and yet the person is jogging around in the morning at mid-October.

But it's a good thing. Even God is now helping us poor people.

"We should tell him. He has a phone." I hold my boss's arm, then indicating to the man who has earphones stuck into his ears.

"Not now!" Boss actually sweeps me beside him and spoke slowly as if he wanted that person to never see us, "first we have to get outta here and move to a more open place where we can find more people, more genuine people."

"Genuine people???"

He shrugs. "Hats off to my manager's attention span. Isn't it's odd that he is jogging at this time? The weather is too cold."

"Or maybe he's really health-conscious who has enough courage to wake up early and jog. And moreover, our clothes are not wet anymore, but they are still damp and I don't think I'll be able to handle the temperature any longer. So let's ask him."

"Nobody can be trusted. We never knew who is a killer and who is just a normal person. Until then, I said no. It's an order."

"My job at your office starts at 9. And it's hours away to nine. So, " I already step toward the man, "I'm going."

I shout at the man who looks at me quickly. Maybe he wasn't listening to the music at that time because he wasted no time in hearing my voice.
"We need help. Someone is trying to kill—" Words were left hanging because the next thing that happens was so quick that it took me time to comprehend. I was smacked by him. I drop down, keeping my hands on my forehead, the spot he hit me. I should have listened to boss.

"They are here." The man spoke on his phone as he pulls out his hidden gun. "I'll shoot them now!"

Horror flood back inside me as I am going to die and there is nothing to stop it.


Another one came but not at me, but toward the guy who I thought would be helpful. I don't know what exactly the boss did, but he somehow tackled the guy when he pointed the gun at me.

The guy falls next to me and I instantly got up on my feet.
"I'm sorry!!" I apologize for my foolishness.

"Run!!" He shouted and held my hand into his and we just ran. Around the area, here and there, avoiding any hurtle and bustle. The guy forgets to mention his exact location, thus his other partners must be now somewhere near us while we are, just holding hands, trying to find a way that may lead us to the city without meeting anyone between us.

But while all of this happens, I do realize one thing, with him, I just get safe, the whole night, even between our bickerings and I just love the way I feel how I don't want his hand to let go.

Something 'bout YOU (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now