Silence is Weird

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Mr. Lincoln came into the room a few minutes after me. Rani was doing fine, she was drinking some apple juice from a juice box. She had to use straws for the remainder of her stay.

"The nurse downstairs said you'll be ready in a while. Can you stand up, sweetie?" Mr. Lincoln asked, walking to her bed.

"Yeah. I did it earlier to go and get the TV remote." Rani said, slowly climbing out of the bed.

She stood up and walked over to the small bag her clothes were in. They made her put on a gown to not ruin her clothes while checking up on her. I planned to text her when she got home, and add Persephone into a group chat with us. As the hours passed, radio songs skipped, and poorly done road karaoke, we finally made it to our street. Mr Lincoln was so nice to us. He let me and Persephone out first, then pulling into his driveway. He waved at us and we started to walk our separate paths.

"Adrian, I'm h-"

I dropped my phone, thankfully it landed on the welcome mat. I couldn't believe my eyes what I just saw. It was realer than my skin, yet stranger than fiction. My eyes scattered all around, inspecting every part of him. He had..wings. He wasn't a bird, no, no. Soft to the touch green wings. I slowly walked up to touch them, as my hand bridled over them, it twitched.

"AHH!" I screamed, following it up with a nervous laugh.

"Adrian..what happened while I was gone? Where's mom?" I asked frantically.

He turned around and looked at me, his face more in shock than my own.

"I-I don't know." He said, looking at me, then the wings.

He walked outside and grabbed a latter from the garage. The wings instantly folding into his back. Like they weren't even there. We are twins after all, so if he can do it, can I do I too? Adrian climbed onto the roof.

"These should be useful for something." He yelled from the rooftop.

Adrian stepped back to get the running start, I stepped out of the way where he was supposedly going to jump.


He flung himself off of the roof, almost face planting into the concrete. Suddenly, the wings shot out of his back once again, propelling him back up into the air. He couldn't control them much yet; it's like they had a mind of their own.

"Marina! Marina! You should try to get some of these aswell." He yelled.

He was about 60 feet in the air. The sparkling dust that game form his wings landed on my face. I wiped it off.

"How did you get them?" I asked, still looking up.

"I just thought of them and it just happened. I focused hard and just..pew! Out of no where." He joked.

So, I tried it. I thought about soaring through the skies. Over the rooftops, trees, skyscrapers. That's when it happened. I felt a small tug in the back of my hoodie. Two holes ripped, the holes being filled with soft, light blue wings.

"I- it worked! It worked!" I said excitedly.

I climbed up onto the ladder, building up my strength and then jumping. The wings held me up, I tried to control them, it worked..sort of. My legs were the ones controlling. Leaning forward sent me forward as usual. Back means going backwards, ect. I was fascinated by this new ability. I wanted to tell the others, but they would probably be like, "Why are my friends bird people all of a sudden" so I refused.

"Hey, Question." I asked, looking at my brother.

"Hm?" He responded, trying to get closer to me to hear said question.

"How do you like- make them go back in?" I asked, looking at the ground, then at him.

"Uh-" He said quietly, he slowly flew back onto the roof, sitting down to touch it. He then slid on his bottom off of the roof, landing in a bush.

"Oh- you have to do that? Okay." I shrugged, flying into the roof as well.

I sat down on the roof, sliding off of it, I landed in the grass. Adrian stood up and dusted himself off. I should ask Persephone about this, she should know more about this kind of stuff than we do. I helped Adrian carry the ladder back into the garage, the two of us walking back inside.

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