Silence is Dead

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I tiredly rose out of my bed, looking around my cream-colored room. My laptop was on my bed from talking to my childhood best friend, Rani. She's the best, god if I could, I would spent a day as her. "Marina! Marina, wake up!" My mother called from downstairs. I closed my laptop from reading the messages. They just consisted of dumb things; keyboard spam, random memes, gossip, ect. I grabbed my baby blue cover and ripped it off of my bed, walking downstairs to go and grab a small plate to make some waffles. As I opened the fridge my mom called, "Honey, I've already made breakfast." She chuckled. I looked at what she made. It honestly looked delicious. I used the small prongs to grab some eggs and bacon, sitting down at the counter with a fork. I then picked up the eggs and started to chomp into them. "Mom, these are-" I stopped to swallow, "really good." I added on with a small smile. I finished my food in about 10 minutes. I got up and placed my plate in the sink, speed walking back up the stairs to get dressed. I put on my school uniform; white shirt, red plaid shirt, black blazer.

I walked into my bathroom to turn the light on, seeing my brother. "Hey." I waved with no emotion, walking to my side of the sink to grab my toothbrush and toothpaste. "Why are you in the bathtub. You aren't even taking a bath!" I said, running the brush under the cold water, turning off the sink afterwards. "No reason. It's just relaxing. I'm also trying to get hypothermia so I don't go to school" I groaned as he added on. He's older than me and I still think I'm more mature than him. "Do whatever you want to, Adrian." I said, brushing my teeth, spitting out the foam and placing my toothbrush into the small cup. I then turning to the bathtub, grabbing his arms and pulling him out of the tub. The small blue bathroom carpet slipped under my foot, knocking me backwards and falling back onto the hard marble floor. Adrian climbed out of the tub, helping me up. I dusted myself off. "Thanks." I said, walking out of the bathroom and into my bedroom to put on my white-punk boots. I grabbed my book-bag and so did Adrian. I opened my window to see the bus almost leave our street. "Shit..Come on!" I yelled, grabbing his wrist and running out the door to the bus. I burst into the bus as the driver almost closed the door on us. I sighed, walking to the back of the bus since the only seats that were left back there were empty. The ride to school then began, wish me luck.

Silence Is OptionalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon