Silence is Beneficial

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Rani ran ahead of us, knowing what she was doing I didn't stop her. Persephone kept looking around, her wings gracefully flapping. I gulped. What if someone had trouble with their weapon here or hurt someone else here—whatever I'm thinking too much into this. This place should be a calm and such, not people dying the moment they get their weapons.

I notice that Adrian already got his, since the small handle was missing to where the weapon is supposed to be. The weapons came in small orbs. The orbs containing ting versions of our weapons, they were the were the same colors of our wings. I grabbed the orb without using my hand, as my hand fell towards it, it started floating towards me as my hand moved closer to my body.

"Rina, look! I got a bow!" Rani smiled, pointing towards the giant bow, a set of infinite arrows already in it. It was very pretty, I was actually kinda jealous.

"I got a trident. Not very fitting, but it looks cool." Persephone smiled along with her, her mouth closed.

I grabbed my orb, a small light appearing from it, it then instantly transformed into my weapon. It was a scythe, it actually fit my wings and trait-thingy. I looked at Adrian. He had a sword, he told me it could presumably cut through anything, wings. I'll watch out for that. I orbed the weapon back and stored it in my wings. I took my short hair out of my two small ponytail and looked at the others.

"You guys ready?" I asked, seeing the three of them orb their weapons and place them in their wings aswell.

"Yep." Persephone said, giving me a thumbs up.

Persephone looked at the man with a confused expression. She remembered, his name was Yomei. He placed the flower crown down and waved at her.

"Leaving so soon?" He asked, "I'll open the Pyli for you." He added on.

Yomei lifted up his hand up, and then to the floor. The small pyli opened and the four of us jumped in. Before I jumped, I waved back at him. Yomei waved back, we then all returned in my basement. The clock was still set to 4:21 pm, weird. The time is one minute after the time we left to go to the kindergarten. I shrugged it off. Rani and Persephone walked up the basement stairs and to their homes. I locked the front door and went upstairs to the kitchen where my mom was.

She never told me about my grandma, I didn't want to get lectured about how "I nEeD tO tALk TO mY rElItIVes mOre" or something like that, so I didn't remind her. I sat down at the dinner table and looked at Adrian. I then looked down at my pants, reaching into my pockets. I carefully grabbed the orb to not make the orb pop like it did last time. I looked at it, placing it back into my jean pocket. She placed the meal infront of us, including her meal infront of her chair. She then sat down with us. I took a bite out of my cauliflower.

"I—I'd like to address something. We haven't had enough time to talk as a family as I hoped we did." She said, placing her fork on her plate. Adrian began to worry.

"We're moving. I've saved up enough money to get a better house, a better job, and even for you guys a father. That father you guys might know, it's Henry Lincoln, Rani's father." She added on, picking up her fork again and started to eat some of the rice.

"Will we still go to the same school? We're in junior year, one last lead here wouldn't hurt us to stay." Adrian added on, taking a sip of his water.

"Yeah, you'll be going to the same school. Just a bit farther from there." She said, a wave of relief washed over the two of us. I'll be dropping you off instead of you guys catching the bus. People have been abducting teens like you lately, it even happened to Ms. Burgundy's daughter in fourth grade. Haven't seen her since." She added on, continuing to eat her cauliflower.

"You had me worried for a minute, mom." I sighed, ending it with a laugh. "So, is Rani my step-sister now? Because that's awesome!" I remarked with a smile.

"Yep, she'll be taking up the guest bedroom. I'll buy her a bit fancy decorations and such to make her feel at home as such as her regular home." My mom snickered along with me. "We'll get her a bed at the new house aswell, or we could get the guest bed. Depends on what I make my final decision." She said.

As the dinner went on, we laughed and enjoyed our food. I was actually excited for the day ahead, wondering what our new house would look like along with having my best friend as a sister. Being closer together should help us be figure more about the school and these projects.

Silence Is Optionalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن