Silence is Required

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As the bus stopped, the chatter of students slowly started to stop. Adrian nudged me, signaling me to get up. He grabbed his bag and stared to walk out of the bus. I grabbed my bag and started to walk out of the bus as well. Silvercreek Highschool, where the "best education" begins. I asked my mom to transfer me, she always said she would think about it. She never did. As we walked into the school, we parted ways to go to our lockers. Rani ran up to me and tackle hugged me from behind. "Heyyy, Rina!" Rani said excitedly. "Hey, Rani." I chuckled, opening my locker. I placed my bag on the ground of the locker. "So, wanna sit next to me at lunch? I think I have some stuff to tell you about this place." She said, smiling. "Oh, sure. I wouldn't mind. Can my brother come too?" I asked, grabbing my books. "Sure, yeah, of course!" Rani said. The bell then rang. "Oh, well I'll see you later." She said waving and running to her first period. I waved back, closing the locker and walking to my first period. I opened the door and saw my teacher. "Good morning, Ms. Ray." She said to me, a small smile on her face. "Good morning, Mrs. Onho." I waved, walking to my seat. I sat in the middle row by the window. I didn't like looking out of it, I just liked to throw paper out of it to try and make it into the dumpster. I never make it, sadly. As the period continued, I felt sleepier and sleepier. Then, the bell rang. "Class dismissed, don't forget to finish page one hundred twenty-three" She said, I grabbed my stuff quickly and walked to my other three periods before lunch.


I got out of my seat, walking to my locker to set my books down, then to lunch. As promised I sat with Rani and Adrian. He brought some M&M's. I slowly grabbed the bag and took about 18, shoving them in my mouth. "Thank you for being so generous." I joked, adding a cheeky smile afterwards. "So, what did you want to tell me, Rani?" I asked, having my hand over my mouth since I didn't want to look weird talking with my mouth full. "Okay, listen. If you know Sadie then you know that she's well known for sneaking out test answers from the teachers lounge and such, right? Well, turns out she and her boyfriend robbed the principals office of some date files." She smiled. Sadie, as Rani said was notorious for stealing shit from teachers and other facility members. Most is just small stuff; supplies, computer mouses, homework answers. But, this was the first time she did something big! Her boyfriend, Christopher was in on it too. He's basically a Dollar-Tree version of an E-boy, but he made it work somehow. They recently started a band, their first song being "Skipping Detention" by the song name, they did that as well. Man, they're cool! I sigh, grabbing the orange file and grabbing a few papers. 

"Project Pritankina. Entry 483. Wha- who's Pritankina?" I ask, skimming through the paper, then looking back at Adrian and Rani. "Might be the name of someone that was previously at the school." Adrian said with a shrug. "Maybe, but why the 'Project' part? I'll ask more questions later." I said, giving Rani back the paper and having her slide it back into the file. "Ask Sadie and Chris. They might know, they stole it anyway." She said, grabbing her maple brown hair and tucking it behind her ear. "Hopefully we get answers." Adrian said, looking up at the server. Over the weekend, the school hired servers to bring us out food, wow. They have the money for servers, a football field, a tennis court, but not any to refill the vending machine? Actually, those barley work anyway, so I don't blame them. I grabbed my plate along with my water. I grabbed my fork and started to eat the green beans they served, along with lentil soup. I grabbed my spoon, grabbing some of the luquid and eating it. "It smells like a public restroom!" Rani said, laughing afterwards. She then tried the soup. "Honestly..It tastes fi- nevermind." She said quietly. Grabbing her napkin and spitting it into there. The three of us continued to share files until the 45 minute lunch break we had was over. Finishing out lunch up and leaving the table, we parted ways. 

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