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Omfg I'm mentally draineD so because this is a way I vent there will be a lot of sad things contained in this. There will be warnings! Please don't get mad. This is a way to get stuff off my chest. And no I don't want   people to try and put me into therapy or god for a mental hospital because of this. This is a form of trauma I had went through and in this will sorta re enact the few months my best friend had attempted suicide. But the day before my 12th birthday this year ( July 2nd is ma b day) she had been taken away to never to be seen or heard from again.... I'm recovering and getting better but my grandmother has been in and out of the hospital recently so I'm going insane and then I'm in high school ( 7th is in the high school no joke) so I have very high Expectations that are stressing me the fuck out. No my parents aren't homophobic but they don't like gays, their parents seem very lovely but in this I will make up names and make them mean, sorry.  I RESPECT LGBTQA+! I'm asexual myself and I grew up around gays. This high school will be like mine, mine is known for its music education, band and choir (ima choir child) &sports! Also my school is full with LGBTQ+! a full ass variety too. I

Self harm
Drug abuse??
Smut maybe? Idk


I don't do heavy smut don't worry just a bit here and there because I'm very awkward when it comes to smut lol. I also speak weird even though I'm not from the south but whatever.

Now let's stop rambling and let's begin fuckers!

I update this REALLY late at night because that's the best time I can but it's rare for me to do it during my lunch period and somtimes people try to steal my fuckin phone, so I'm not gonna risk it

oh, what high school will bringWhere stories live. Discover now