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Flaws. Everyone has them. Not according to Stan's thoughts; Gary was strong and powerful, and one never to be messed with. "That's why I don't think you have any flaws."

"I have flaws according to the church," Gary finally revealed.

Dating one of the same sex, having a curious mind to step out of line, holding secrets from friends and family- those were the reasons to keeping the boundaries of "Don't." Stan was becoming impatient. He wanted to hold Gary's face and kiss him, to tell him everything is okay, to argue that his church has no say in what he does or who he sees. Work on the flaws until they are no longer flaws- until something else comes along. Own the current fears.

"But, how do I work on them?"

Stan suggested to "go with it" until Gary is no longer afraid. Date the same sex, tell people who you're hanging out with, question reality, question yourself, question everything! Keep the boundaries. Don't tell, don't touch, don't kiss.

That's why they had decided to go out. Kyle was falsely reassured that the two were "only friends" and how the date was a "complete misunderstanding." Gary felt wrong, but kept silent. The group were hanging out for the night, waiting with eagerness to see a new movie.

The seats were nice but not so comfortable, the place was nice but not so warm, the people were there but not so nice-looking.

"Romance!! Blood and gore!! And there's sex in it!!" Kenny was too excited, with everyone being 18 and allowed to watch restricted movies. However, he then turned to Gary and asked, "You sure you wanna watch this?"

Kyle turned to whisper, "Remind me why he's here." He was met with a frown from Stan. "He's not allowed to watch this stuff."

"Since when did you care? Gary hangs out with girls all the time, so I thought he'd like to do some guy stuff for once."

Cartman, on the other side of Kyle, agreed. "Maybe Gary is tired of being treated as the gay friend! Let him do something cool for once." He laughed, perhaps from thinking about how the night is going to happen. A frightened Gary rushing out of the movies, and a panicked Stan racing after him. It would prove they were dating.

The movie began, already showing a gruesome scene. Gary kept switching his eyes from the screen to the floor, screen then floor, screen then Stan. Kyle was watching with judgemental eyes. From Kyle to the screen again. Gary was beginning to regret his agreement to watching the movie with the group. A splash of blood and a scream, from the screen to the floor.

Kyle whispered to Stan, "I don't think he likes this."

"Just watch the movie. Mind your own business."

"He's freaking out; do something."

Stan glanced at Gary to see him staring at the floor. He whispered, "Are you okay?"

"Nauseous," Gary replied, then added, "But I'll be okay!"

A sexual scene caused the blonde to rush out of the room. Stan panicked, and as if according to Cartman's plan he rushed out of the room after him. Gary stood by the doors outside of the movie complex, not upset or sick or anything negative. Stan questioned, but nothing was wrong. Stan questioned again, and Gary began to cry.

It wasn't necessarily the blood and violence and gore, but it was the sexual content. Gary wasn't allowed to witness such an act seen as a sin, but it didn't mean he couldn't feel it. He had a longing to explore his sexuality, but a fear of having a partner to help him. Stan understood, but knew there was nothing he could do. They couldn't find a way around it. It was either do it or-

"Don't." Gary didn't want to be touched. He didn't want to be hugged. He didn't want to be kissed while the sun was setting, while people were still out, while the flowers were still in bloom. The gentle touch of soft lips felt comforting. It overpowered the stuck breath and rapid heartbeat. Gary needed the hug, and embraced the kiss.

Don't - A Stary FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now