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Gary was in charge of setting up the gymnasium for Homecoming. It was volunteer hours, something every senior student needed in order to graduate. Five long hours of no pay, in which Gary was sure to enjoy every second of it.

Joining him on the team was Annie, Wendy, Bébé and Heidi. A few other young men were there as well, but they were no one who could get along with Gary. He was setting tables with Wendy while she spoke to her other friends about who's bringing who. The mention of Stan grabbed his attention.

"No, Annie! He didn't even ask me!"

"Then, who do you think he's gonna go with?"

Wendy shrugged, "I don't think he'd get out of bed to even come here tonight."

From a table away Bébé joined in, "If he does go, who do you think he'd go with?"

"Kyle, probably."

"Kyle is going with Davíd!"

"I guess Stan would go with Sparky," the girls then laughed.

Gary felt a little bad for Stan, and wished they could to the school event together. It wasn't going to be the Senior Ball, where it was more important to go, but Homecoming meant "Welcome back to school, here's a football game with a dance afterwards." It shouldn't be something that important.

"Are you going," Heidi asked Gary, pulling the young man from his thoughts.

"Oh, I don't have anyone to go with."

Wendy spoke up, "I'm going with Bébé! You should go with someone!"

In return, Bébé spoke up, "Go with Annie!"

Annie blushed and smiled, but Gary had to politely decline, "I can't tonight, I'm busy." The girls "awe'd" in unison, wishing to see the young man in formal-wear. They hoped to see him at Senior Ball. Gary hoped so, too.

That night, Stan didn't come to visit him. Gary made a point of going to his house, smiling and greeting with Mrs. Marsh, and stepping up the stairs to Stan's room. The two sat in awkward silence surrounded by a mess for a few minutes before Gary brought up a question, "If we weren't dating, would you have gone to Homecoming tonight?"

"With who?" When Gary shrugged, Stan knew the young man had something on his mind. Something that bothered him. An action Stan wanted to make would be a bold move, but he did it anyways. He moved his hand over, reaching for Gary's hand. The blonde pulled away, but Stan hurried and held it.

"Don't-" Gary said with nervous surprise.

Immediately Stan as quick to reassure, "I'm not gonna do anything to you." They were quiet for a short moment, then Stan struggled to ask, "Um... If I did go to the Homecoming... would you have... gone with me, if I asked?"

The answer wasn't one from a romance novel. Instead of a joyous "yes" followed by a hug, Gary pulled his hand away and said, "I would decline! Stan, we can't be seen by anyone out there! I- I would have to turn you down-"

"Wait!" Stan leaned closer and tried again. "How about this: we bring Homecoming here. Then, we wouldn't have to miss out- except, well, seeing the team play football against some other school and fail miserably." It happens every year.

The thought pulled at Gary's attention. "What would we do?"

"Watch a football game, have some snacks, listen to music, I don't know. Anything you're comfortable with. I mean, we're dating; we gotta do something other than hanging out as friends if you want to figure out who you are."

The plan sounded nice. Just a game, snacks, music, talking... Don't tell; Gary had to call his dad about staying the night with a friend, while Stan let his mother know about Gary sleeping over. Don't touch; during the game, Gary half-slept and let his head fall limp on Stan's shoulder, and Stan had to lightly push him awake. Don't kiss; the night had escalated from an awkward slow dance to a tight feeling in their chests. Don't kiss; they leaned forward, a little too close. Don't kiss-

"Don't," Gary whispered with a weak voice. His breath was caught. He wanted to cry. Even Stan trembled. Anxiety and fear were the enemies, preventing something from developing into anything stronger.

They didn't kiss that night, and Gary had forgotten to pray.

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