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Stan's friends came over the next morning, hoping to play some games, but they found him sleeping on the floor. Gary was in his bed, wearing their friend's pajamas. Questions were stuck in their heads, unable to pass their lips. Kyle was furious, for some odd reason.

Mrs. Marsh apologized to her son after an argument had broken out. No allowed bringing friends into the house until her son was awake and ready for the day. Gary had run home, upset from Stan's friend's disapproval of the two being together. "Don't tell anyone" should have been "Don't get caught." "Don't tell anyone" then became a rule for the group.

"Stan!" Kyle nearly shouted, "you're dating a Mormon boy! Don't you know how wrong it is? You're messing him up!"

"It's- It's not what you think!" After more arguments and getting nowhere, Stan decided to end it with a refusal to reply. It worked, and the group of four proceeded about their regular Saturday- except with hostility.

Kyle, Cartman and Kenny knew, so what difference would it make letting one more person in on the secrecy? Gary found Wendy at the park with Bébé. He didn't want to bother to two, but after Wendy had seen worry in his eyes she had decided to pull him aside.

Gary cried about his fear, about the family finding out, and about the other three who saw. She made him laugh about not giving a damn, as how Tweek and Craig had done before. She made him feel better about being himself, about being strong and powerful. She also warned him about the way Stan would shut down and sit in depression caused by self-doubt and a distorted self-image. She was unable to help Gary's fear of a hateful God.

"We're taught to follow in His son's footsteps; His son never dated the same sex." Gary felt bad for speaking those words, but it was the truth of which the church elders had told him.

Wendy could only try, "If we kept to the Bible, we wouldn't be here today. Think about it." Laws, laws... Too many laws. Everyone was committing a sin one way or another. Judgement, hate, alienation- It was supposed to be love, acceptance, understanding- Gary didn't want to think about it anymore.

Before he could turn for home, Gary had to tell Wendy, "Don't tell anyone. Too many people already know." She understood, and promised. She could keep a secret.

Stan had come over- or rather, tossed pebbles at Gary's window until his brother appeared. Wrong bedroom. Stan stayed in the grass while waiting for Mark to step out of the house. They spoke about Gary. Mark was understanding, "He's all for self-discovery, but only in the religious way. Helping the Elders, singing with pride, always making time for family night; so it makes sense he'd want to step out for a bit."

Mark seemed like he hadn't been active in his community. When Stan asked about it, the older brother was proud to announce his title. "I'm inactive! It's a freedom of choice, and I've been happier this way. Dad doesn't like it, but Gary understands. I mean, hell! It's not like I've turned into a Satanist! I just don't follow their codes anymore. That's all."

"What does you mom think? And you sister?" According to Stan's memory, Gary was the middle child with two older and two younger. He also had a mother.

The question must have been a sore topic. "When I announced my want for freedom, the family fell apart. The women separated and the men stuck together. Gary goes back and forth helping mom to take care of Amanda 'cause Jen went off to college. I'm only sticking around to take care of David, and because I knew eventually Gary was going to question himself. I wanted to make sure dad was going to be okay with him."

Stan wished he had a supportive older sibling. His sister had gone off someplace after graduating a couple years prior. He was happy to be an only child for once.

There was a feeling of brotherly protection coming from Mark. He turned to Stan and said, "I'm only going to say this once: Don't upset Gary. He already has a lot on his mind."

Don't tell; a broken rule replaced by "Don't upset." Then, to keep "Don't touch" and "Don't kiss." But damn... It was hard trying to follow the rules.

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