Reward or Punish? (72)

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Slight smut

Jungkook: "I-it's just..."
He started, but stopped halfway as he starts to sniffle in sadness once again.

Jin: "Just?"
He asked softly.

Jungkook: "I-I saw that gold haired fool outside earlier... B-Baekhyun hyung..."
He muttered the older's name.

Seokjin nodded in silence.
Jungkook: "A-and I didn't know why... b-but I got so angry after I saw him here... I hate him working with you..."

Jungkook continued to sniffle silently as he talked about the grievance he had gone through. Seokjin sighed and patted Jungkook's back comfortingly.

Jin: "You're jealous that Baekhyun works with me in the restaurant?..."
Jungkook nodded slowly.

Seokjin heaved a sigh of relief. He thought Jungkook was hurt or injured, but it turns out that he was just jealous.

Jin: "Silly, why are you jealous over this little thing? We're just working here."
Jungkook dug his flushed face even deeper into Seokjin's chest in shame.

Jungkook: "I don't know! E-even when I know we're already engaged and you're all mine, I still get jealous... my heart still aches so much... I can't stop it!"
He sobbed into Seokjin's chest and mumbled against him incoherently.

Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows and his heart began hurting as well- seeing Jungkook so broken in front of him made him feel so much sadness as well.

Jin: "I'm sorry..."
He mumbled quietly.

Jungkook: "I'm so stupid! I know I have to grow up now and stop getting jealous over these little things anymore, but I can't help it! I wanted to be an adult, but it still hurts! Jin hyung, how do I stop those feelings? The pain in my heart is unbearable!... H-help me..."
He grabbed onto Seokjin's shirt and cried even louder into the older's chest.

Seokjin truly didn't know what to respond. He already did so much to make it clear to Jungkook that they belong to each other, and that will never change no matter what, but the younger is still insecure about their relationship. He'd get jealous too easily- he's too greedy and possessive.

Seokjin grabbed Jungkook's cheeks and pecked his lips. They kissed for a few seconds before breaking away. The older used his thumbs to wipe all of the tears away from Jungkook's cheeks.

Jin: "I'm sorry for making you so sad... I'm sorry for always making you feel so insecure... just what do I have to do in order to let you know that I only have my eyes on you? My heart only belongs to you? My entire being is all yours, Kim Jungkook. Don't you ever, for even a second, think that I'll fall in love with any other people who's not you. Because I'm yours, and that will never change no matter how serious of an argument we may have, or how far apart we are. I'm yours, Kim Jungkook. I'll repeat that every day if you need me to until it drills into your head."

Jungkook blushed heavily when Seokjin expressed his all of his feelings to him truthfully. He looked down silently.

Jungkook: "I-I'm sorry... I k-know that you're mine, but I can't help but feel like I'll lose you to someone else... I can't help but feel like I'm not good enough... I can't help but get jealous when someone other than me is by your side... I can't help but be afraid..."
He tried to hold back his tears.

Jungkook: "I know I'm a huge jerk for being who I am, I know I don't have any rights to restrict your freedom, I don't even know what got over me-"

Seokjin leaned down and took Jungkook's lips again. This time their kiss was brief but filled with sweetness.

Jin: "Can I take it as you love me too much that you can't live without me?"
He teased playfully to ease the tension, making Jungkook smile slightly.

Jin's Little Bunny✔ (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now