Not only was it effective, her attitude took a complete u turn from her encouraging me to stay to telling me to leave on time. I smiled at how quickly she was to change sides but nevertheless said my goodbye and left.

The matters between the both of us were deeper than that, that I was sure of. I got lost in thoughts as I watched the streets pass as the car kept moving. I hadn't even found out if Edward and Marcus came or not since I left the party, earlier than planned. But at the same time, there was no plan for me, my main objective was to see Sheebah and that I had done.

On our way home, I told Biden to stop the car, that I wanted to take a walk and get some fresh air to cool my mind. Into the night, I kept walking aimlessly and wasn't the least scared since I was sure Biden must be following me in the shadows.

I found a nearby bench to sit on and looked into the distance. This street was in a restricted lane, thus no sound could be heard and that was just what I needed. Peace of mind.

The chilly winter wind hit me and I shivered, since my cloth was armless and barely covered me well, I was vulnerable to the cold and felt my nose itch, before sneezing. But I didn't make any attempts to leave, it's been a while since I have let myself go, do things normal people.

At this moment, my mind was free of the heavy baggage that usually bound me, I was lost in thoughts before suddenly feeling my nose itch and I rubbed it, trying not to sneeze.

Suddenly, the light from the streetlamp was blocked by a figure, I quickly look up and for a minute couldn't believe my eyes. I stared dazedly at that figure and only when the wind hit my skin again did I wake up to reality.

In the cover of the night stood, Edward, his tall and imposing stature somehow shielding me from the wind. I couldn't see his face clearly since he had blocked the main source of light, but I have seen him many times to recognize him at a glance.

He had one hand in his pocket while the other was outstretched while holding a blazer. We stared at each other like that for what felt like eternity and at that moment, time seemed to stop.

However, the next minute, I saw him lean forward, our faces were almost touching and like that, I was able to take a close look at his divine features. Long eyelashes that fluttered like a butterfly, a pointed nose, rosy lips, and a pair of emerald green eyes, just like a painting.

He looked so breathtaking that I, who has never been moved by beauty felt myself wavering, and I could feel my heart thump loudly in my chest. It all felt like a dream.

Suddenly, he leaned in and covered my shoulders with his blazer and by the time I woke up from my daze, he already had his back turned against me, walking into the night.

I touched the blazer, and it was indeed there however, I was more convinced it was a dream, but it seemed too real?


 My parents were already home when I came in and judging from the lights that were still on, they were probably still awake. Feeling reluctant to inform them of my arrival, I snuck into my room, opening and shutting the door as quietly as I could before collapsing on the bed.

 The information I received today was too much to digest, but I knew I had to jot some hints down. I laughed sarcastically at how miserable my life had become, considering that I had to think hard to even get a clue about what happened in the past.

 If it wasn't for the unknown, I wouldn't have pursued the matter and would have just endured every pain that came with the memory recovery. At some point, I had thought I was like the others, donning designer clothes, at the top of the food chain, studying hard to make our parents proud and loving without restraint.

 But deep down, that voice had always whispered in my ear, telling me that I was different and no matter how hard I tried I was never going to fit in, not sure whether that was a gift or a curse.

 I would be lying if I said what Sheebah told me hadn't been bothering me, the sentence kept replaying in my head and at some point I started feeling a headache coming on.

 Fortunately, my drug was just in sight and I hastily downed it with water, breathing in and out like my therapist had instructed. I hated that she could affect me without really trying and the fact that she was foul-mouthed wasn't helping either.

 'What goes around comes around' I wrote the words down on a sticker note, and pasted it on the board I had just purchased and traced the lines. Jenny, Shayne and Becca, Marcus, Edward, Kennedy and Sheebah. Those were the few people I had had encounters with for the past two years.

 The matter was getting interesting, but unfortunately I knew I wouldn't have the time to pursue this matter now, thanks to the exams but hopefully after I will be able to untie the knots one after the other.

 I turned the board back to its usual position and looked out, before shutting the blinds. I switched on my nightstand lamp and tucked myself in. Alone with my thoughts, loneliness and burdens. I promised myself to find out whatever it was I had forgotten.

On the other hand, I couldn't stop thinking about Edward. My cheeks flushed hot and my heart kept beating loudly. Although I could be considered naive when it came to matters between a male and a female, that didn't mean I was oblivious to it. I didn't need anyone to tell me to know that I was already falling.

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