Chapter 6

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I feel a small power build inside me. A pull from that fountain. The water brush over my face. The smell of salt water on a summer day. I smile softly and think of the days where my dad took me to the beach, after every game. We'd pick up seashells on the shore until sundown. It was our tradition. One seashell for the mark of a new year. I heard a gasp behind me that broke the soft daydream. I opened my eyes to see a rabbit made of water floating in front of me. I was started so I yipped a little. That made me scare the rabbit and it dissipated. I turned around to see a shock on Nova's face. "I thought you seen this before." I said softly. She closed her mouth and shook herself back to reality. "I've seen someone yield the element water, but never saw someone have manipulated in such a way. were you and your dad close?" She asked me. I nod slightly, not wanting to get into it much. "let's go onto the next element okay?" I say quickly. She nods in understanding and hands me a sword. I become a bit confused. "why'd you give me this?" Nova goes through a bag she brought with us when we were walking. "we're going to spar." She says in a casual voice. WHAT?  I say in my head. She can't be serious. Oh, she is. Nova pulled out a sword of her own, with designs all over it. "W- what are you talking about? I have little to no experience. I.. could get hurt." A smile appeared on her face. "I know, that's what makes this oh so much more fun. Plus I need to know your timed reflexes. But, be careful. I'm not afraid to chop off a head." I gulp. That's great. I say in my head. I'm gonna get my ass kicked by a galactic warrior. How wonderful. "Yeah yeah, how fun. You give me a lot of confidence." I shake my head and hold up my sword. I get myself in a ready stance and so does she. I take the first swing. She obviously clashes it with her sword. I let go first and almost have my fingers get cut off. Geez I think in my head. I'd be lucky to come out of this with a finger, let alone breathing. While I'm distracted Nova swings low and cuts my leg. "Ah!" I yelp in pain. It wasn't any scratch. It was a slash. I get angry and throw multiple swings at her. She blocks them all with a face of concentration. One swing she looses focus and I kick her to the ground. "Well done." She admits. I smile at her, breathing hard. I put the sword to her neck. "Didn't think I could beet you could I?" Nova sighs, a smile on her face. "You don't get it do you?" I get confused. "Wha-" then, she kicks my cut, hard. And I fall to the floor, gripping my leg. I'm on the verge on tears. Nova grabs her sword and quickly gets up, pointing it at my neck. She then bends down close to my ear and says. "Rule number one.. Luna Montgomery. Always, stay focused."

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