Chapter 2

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My eyes and mouth go wide in shock. "You're telling me there's a place for people like me? People who won't judge me for who I am? And I've just discovered this now?" I shake my head in disbelief. "We've been here this whole time. A mile from your spot. I've watched you sit at your rock a couple of times. Seen you talk to yourself about your problems. I'm sorry you've been through such a troubled life." Nova keeps looking onward as we walk through the woods, apparently taking me to The House of the Unique. I am so unobservant. I shake my head softly. Soon we arrive at the house. It's actually really pretty. It has three stories and it looks almost like a mansion. Funny how this hasn't been discovered yet. Nova turns to me and stops me by holding my shoulders. "Stop, I know what you're thinking. Don't take a step closer. There is a person named Sam who casts spells on this place to keep us safe. This is how we haven't been discovered." Nova snaps her fingers and it feels like a thing that was once there is now gone. "If you would have crossed that barrier.. well let's say you'd be toast. Your welcome." She walks through it with no problem. I just stand there and look at her. "Well, are you coming or not? It's disarmed." I jump up and cross it. "Oh! Okay." She shakes her head and motions me towards the door. She knocks on it and shortly thereafter another woman answers it. She has a deerhide dress and braided hair. It's all silver. She looks ancient but beautiful. "I welcome you to our humble abode newcomer. I just ask of you one thing. If you are to harm one of my people, you will soon regret it." She moves so me and Nova can get through. A chill goes down my spine when I move past her. Nova whispers in my ear. "That's Eretria. It'd be best if you stay out of her way." I nod and let her drag me up the stairs. "C'mon, I'm going to show you to your room." I follow her until she stops at a room labeled number 11. I slightly smile remembering how that used to be my lucky softball number. I run my hand over the numbers.. remembering my dad. How he used to cheer me on at every game. How mom used to buy us icecream after every win. Everyone was happier before dad started to drink. Now my family is apart.. broken into fragments from a picture perfect family. "Are.. you going to open the door?" Nova says making me jump back to reality. "Y- yeah.. sorry." I turn the handle and let the door slowly creak open. The room was really pretty. It was a light blue with white clouds painted everywhere. All the furniture are a mix of white and baby blue. When I took a step in it was almost releasing. I took a deep breath and let my insides cool with all the stress and worry. I dropped my bookbag onto the floor and didn't care it made a loud thump. I turned back to Nova. "If you're gonna start singing I'm gonna puke." She said. I sighed at her and frowned. "No I'm not gonna sing. This is just the most relaxed I've felt in a long time."  She smiles at my response. "Good, when you stop being all Disney princess and unpack you can meet me downstairs for breakfast." She walks away leaving me alone to think about my own life and where it's headed.

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