"THIS IS THE BEST PIZZA EVER!" you can't help but shout ecstatically, mood seemingly lighter and more joyous than earlier. 

"I know right," the brunette agrees, eagerly licking the flavourful remains off his fingers. 

"We're gonna get so fat," you state while grabbing your 5th slice. 

"No, you will get fat. I have a good metabolism."

You scoff, "that's what they all say, and then 10 years later, they end up on that show, 'the biggest loser'." 

Jungkook laughs, patting his belly before laying back onto the bed.

 "Do you know where they are?" He asks after a while

"The biggest losers?" 

"Yeah, my parents."

You chuckle, "oh ho roastedd. and no, I've been trying to track their precise location down and that's why I bought these."

You hop off the bed and strut over towards your large suitcase. With a desperate puff, you heave open the bag, revealing the sleek black technology inside it. 

"What the- didn't know you could bring time machines on a plane," Jungkook says while ogling over the items in your suitcase.

"It's not a time machine stupid, it's a darknet computer"


You sigh before carefully bringing the computer onto the bed. "It's not a big deal. The police provided it to me so I could investigate the case while having access to the illegal websites that your parents are using to escape."

'Woah, that's-that's kinda cool."

"I'M kinda cool." You open up the computer and stare at the blank screen with slight hesitance. "Now before I unlock this I must warn you, this computer will contain some of the darkest most gruesome things you will ever find in this world, so like, don't freak out." 

Jungkook scoffs, "I've been to jail and got hung 6 feet in the air, I think I will be fine."

You nod, "well then..." the computer unlocks with a mechanical whir as you type in the endless lists of passwords. The screen has a black display with a set of private documents in the middle. You click on a document which opens up to this website that contains a huge load of random codes and numbers. 

Jungkook scratches his head, confused by all the digits that fly across the screen. 

"There's probably going to be some pop-ups," you warm before clicking on a few codes. A sudden video pops up of a man, eating a woman's skin while she screams in agony. You wince as the man comes closer to the screen, displaying a haunting smile with his teeth that is covered in flesh and blood. 

Jungkook gags at the sight. "W-what the fuck."

You manage to close the pop-up and continue with the task, your head feels heavy after that, the pizza that you once indulged in is now trying to crawl back up your stomach. 

You look over at Jungkook and chuckle, "I tHinK i wILL bE fINe," you mock the brunette who is now hiding his eyes. 

Jungkook huffs, still keeping his hands on his face. 

You get back to work, typing in codes and detail until finally, a small piece of information pops up. 

"THIS IS IT!" you exclaim, pointing towards the screen. Jungkook squints his eyes and stares at the display. "A bank?"

You nod, "they withdrew 50 million US dollars from this bank three days ago, they must be near the location of this bank, we just need to log into local security cameras and try and find them." 

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