The text...

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              I lazy around the house wandering where Riley is and being bored. I play a couple games on my phone and try to pass the time. I give Hellen another call and she answers


"Hey Hellen"

"Oh Hi Logan, umm yeah- your mad at me right?"

" did me a favor"

"Oh oh my gosh I felt sooo bad for telling Lily that"

"Yeah um soo whats up"

"Well school, where are you?, I went to your hotel but you didn't answer me"

"Oh I am at Indiana on vacation"

" a vacation spot?"

"For famous people it is"

"Oh okay, maybe I could come visit you some time..."

"Umm yeah that would be great if you did! Maybe get Lily to come...or not"

"Yeah maybe not, I don't think she will want to come"

"Will you at least ask her?"

"Yeah sure, of course" Hellen says

"I will fly you out here then, I will send you a ticket..I will do it immediately, you should be here tommorow evening"

"Okay Logan, I will see you"

"See ya" I end the call and flip the tv on.

           I watch it but get bored easily; I get on twitter and chat with this girl that says she is my biggest fan that lives in Indiana.

        I tell her my address and shit. I wait and 30 minutes later she is knocking on my door.

       I open the door and she jumps on me kissing me and I fall back into the wall. She quickly shuts the door and starts kissing me more. She puts my hands on her boobs and she starts grinding on me. We are in the middle of the doorway kissing.

       I lean my head back breaking the kiss then helping her up.

"So uh, whats your name?" I ask

"Why does it matter and thanks for adding me on twitter" She said smiling

"Oh your welcome" I said smiling back

        She asked me where the bedroom is and I bit my lip figuring out if I should really show her so I showed her Riley's overlymessy room.

     I walked over the clothes and stuff and the girl sat on the bed smiling.

      I sat beside her and she immediately pulled me onto her; I kissed her back feeling a little awkward about to do this on Riley's bed. She pushes me back getting on top of me taking off her shirt and skirt and putting her light brown hair in a pony tail.

      She put my hands on her boobs again, I felt my dick getting hard. She started grinding on me then unzipping my pants and lifting my shirt.

~A few minutes later of her giving me a blowjob

          I lift my shirt and watch her more licking it.

         I see the door open and Riley's head pop in. I cover my dick and look at her embarrased, she runs out with a red face. I put my boxers on and chase after her.

"Riley! Wait!"

        She began to walk out the door.


"Well... I am sorry"

"Logan, you don't get it do you?"

"Get what?"


"What do you mean"

"Nothing Logan"

         She turns around to walk out but I grab her arm and kiss her.

        She kisses me back and I feel her body relax as we deepen the kiss. She pushes me back and her anger softens.

"Don't Logan"

         Then she walks out. I feel my breath start to fasten and my anger fill up and a tear come out of my eye. I wipe it quickly and go to my bedroom and lay on my bed and think. (Why is Riley so angry still, she acted like she liked the kiss and she can just wash her sheets)

          I go out to find something to eat and the girl wraps her arms around me, I push her off me and say

"I can't do this right now, I will call you another day, okay?"


        She stomps out and I look in the fridge grabbing some pizza and a burger. I eat and try to call Riley. I sit on the couch and I hear the door open. I see Riley with a guy kissing, she jumps on him and goes into the hallway. I turn around and feel my anger fill up again.

         I put my plate in the sink looking down the hallway. I see Riley go in my room with that guy. I figure out what she is doing; she is trying to make me angry like I made her.

       I slowly walk in my room and see her kissing the guy.

"Will you get out?"

           Riley turns around and says

"Yeah..I am so sorry, I didn't mean to" she said shrugging

          She walked out with the guy.



"I know what you are doing and I don't understand why you are so pissed!"

"You fucking Don't?"


"Logan...You are so...I just hate you sooo much!"

"Can we be calm for one second here?"

"Yeah, Logan I just don't understand you sometimes"

"I am truly sorry"

"Sure you are" Riley says as she walks into her room shutting the door.

        I shut my door sitting on my bed thinking (I am soo retarded, girls don't understand me)



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