Chapter 3, Day 3, Wednesday

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I wake up to the smell of syrup. I walk to the kitchen itching my head and i see Hellen flipping french toast. She looks at me and i smile at her and i tell her she didn't have to cook but she said she didn't do it for me she did it because she really wanted french toast and she thought it would be rude to not make me some. When Hellen got done making the french toast i took our plates to the dining and we both sat down and ate.

               I finished and got ready for school. I put on an Aeropostale blue shirt and some jeans with some blue sneakers. Hellen left to go get dressed but she told me to ride the bus and i totally forgot that i had to face Chelsea and everyone pushing me around and saying mean things while others laugh. When Hellen gets on the bus i let her sit on the inside of the seat while everyone picks on me till the bus driver tells everyone that she has had enough and to knock it off. I look at Hellen and her cheeks are red and she is trying to hide her face. I put my arm around her and let her lay her head on my chest as we both look out the window. I realize Hellen's hair smells as good as strawberries(mmm i love strawberries). We get to school and walk side by side; we walk to my locker i put my books in the locker and watch Chelsea walk happily into math class. I stuff my books in my locker and try to close and i see a piece of paper slowly float out. I grab the paper while holding the locker. I put Hellen by the locker and i rip open the envelope :

    Dear Logan James,
I am the administrater of the acting academy Juliard Acting Academy of New York. I am hear to say that you gave been accepted and would like to meet you on March 3 at 5:00 in the evening if possible. Congratulations and i hope to be seeing you.

Yess!! I can't believe i was accepted! I have to call my dad. I call him and can hear him with a lady. I ask to go to New York and dad says yes without really listening i imediately end the call and tell Hellen that i had enrolled for that when i was 13 and they just now contacted me. Hellen hugged me tight as we jumped for joy. I noticed people and stopped hugging her. Lily walks up and asks "What is up with you two" Hellen tells her the story and Lily says congratulations. After i settle down i realize March 3 is this weekend.


                Lily and Hellen and i spend the day daydreaming about me being a actor. Lily hangs out with us after school for awhile but when her parents get to her house she leaves. I go to the kitchen to grab some water. Hellen follows me and asked "are you really gonna go" I nod my and say that there is no reason not to go she says "ok well if you go me and Lily are going to". I shake my head no and say "when did Lily get involved in this" Hellen says "she asked to go if i went with her" i nod and go upstairs to pack to be ready to go on Friday. Hellen grabs my phone out of my pocket and lays on the bed hitting buttons then she takes a picture. I ask her what she is doing and she says "if you need me give me call" I take my phone from her and put it back in my pocket. I pack all my tuxedo's, done jeans, and 10 shirts.


                I go to my dad's room and look through his plane tickets. He has 2 to Paris, 3 to Japan, 1 to Las Vegas, and i must be lucky because he has 3 tickets to New York. I take the plane tickets and put them in my bag. Hellen goes over to Lily's house to tell her whats going on then Hellen goes home to pack her things. I go to take a shower and then put on some clean boxers and go to bed.
I wake up with Hellen naked beside me...i wonder a minute how she got in the house. I start to feel this weird but good sensation under the covers surroundig my dick. I look under and see Lily licking and sucking my dick while Chelsea is holding it. I look back up and Hellen starts kissing me softly. I get ready to explode in Lily's mouth when i hear this loud ringing noise.

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