5 scouts Rini and Darien

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Darien P.O.V

Hi Serena. Hi Darien and Rini. Serena what are you doing to night? Nothing why? Would you and the others like to come over for a scout meeting? Okay let me call the girls. (Serena on the phone) Hey Ray can you get the others together and meet me at Darien's for a scout meeting. Yeah sure be there in 20mins. Okay see you there. Bye Serena. Bye Ray.Darien they are on their way. K thanks Serena. Darien why do we need a scout meeting? I don't know Luna and Artemis are calling the meet. Oh okay that is why we are having the meet at your place. Yeah that is why can we go now? Yeah lets go. Hi Luna. Hello Serena. Hey Luna. Hi girls. Luna what is this meeting about?  Okay so all of you are here now I will tell you now the meeting is about Serena.Wait what why me.Because the new enemy is after you heart. Why my heart? Serena your heart has great power that is why the new enemy wants it. Luna what do we have to do to save Serena heart? Don't let  her out of your view. you mean like right now because she is gone. Darien find her be for the new enemy does. I think were to late.

(the new enemy And Serena) Who are you? I am Queen Kat of the dark realm. Okay and what do you want? I want your heart. Will your not going to getting her heart. What who said that? I did I am sailor mars And today you won't get anyones heart if the sailor scout have anything do with it. What scouts I only see you. Sailor mars mean us. Sailor Mercury. Sailor Jupiter. Sailor Venus. Sailor Mini moon. And I am Tuxedo mask a friend of the sailor scouts. Tuxedo mask get her out of here now. Right Sailor mars.Serena lets go. Nice try sailor brats Serena's heart belongs to me. No serena. Aaaaa. Why? Sailor Mars keep fighting for me. Right Serena. Tuxedo mask get her out of here now . Okay.

(Back at Darien's) Darien what happened?Serena's heart. No the new enemy got Serena's heart Darien how do you think we are going to get it back? I don't know but the scouts are trying to get it back.(back at the fight)Mars fire ball now Mercury. Mercury Aqua Mirage. you got her Mercury. Yes. Venus get Serena's heart. Right. Got it.(Queen Kat) No I will get that heart.(back to the Sailor scouts)sailor mars  not if we have anything do about it. (back at Darien's) Girls your back and you have Serena's heart.Hi Artemis were is Darien. In his room with Luna and Serena.K thanks. Darien. Ray. Hey we have Serena's heart here Darien. Thanks. (Rini says) Daddy we need mommy.( Darien say) your right Rini. (2 hour later) Darien. Serena. Darien how long was I out for? About 2 hour. wow what happen. you just got hit on the head. Oh okay thanks.

 So this is the frist part but there will be more sometime soon. you know if want you can comment but please comment if you liked it.

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