Doing something to save the people you love

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Darien's P.O.V

" I say. " Well if she does that what are we going to do?" Serena asked. " We are going to attack but we are leaving you here Serena." I say to her because I care about her so much. " No Darien you can't leave me here." Serena cried out. " I'm sorry Serena but we have to because she wants your heart." I say as I try to keep her calm. " Fine but keep me up to date on what's going on. Okay?" She say calmly. "Yes Serena we will. Just make sure you are not alone okay." I say nicely. " Yes Darien." She stays sweetly.


Serena's P.O.V

After the meeting yesterday, Darien, Rini and I went back home. "So Darien when are you guys leaving?" I ask. "Tomorrow and your still not coming." He replied.  "But Darien..." I was cut off by Darien "No Serena your not coming." He said as we get home and he turns off the car. We get out of the car and start to walk to the apartment. "Daddy you do know we are going to need Mommy's help Right?" Rini asked. "Rini I'm sorry but we can't take with us. I will not lose her or you." Darien said as he sounded like he was going to cry. "Daddy I'm sorry please don't cry mommy and I will stay home." Rini said in tears. She ran up to Darien and give him a hug. Why do I have to be the one they are after. All I want is to be happy with my family and not have to worry about evil beings. "Its not far." I say out load.  "Mommy what's not far?" Rini asked. "Nothing never mind sweetie." I reply as we walk into the apartment.

"Rini can you go to the bedroom while I talk to Serena okay." Darien said. "Okay Daddy." Rini replied. She walked to the bedroom and closed the door. "Okay Serena what is wrong?" Darien asked me. "Nothing is wrong. Don't worry about it." I tell him. "No Serena tell me what's not far. I want to know. So please tell me." Darien said. "Fine the reason I said its not far is because that they are after me and all I want is to be happy with you, Rini, and everyone else. Now you know." I reply crying. As I was crying Rini came out and hugged me. "Its okay Mommy we will stop them." She said. Darien got up from where he sat down and came over to Rini and I. He hugged us both. "Serena everything is going to be alright now lets go get some sleep." Darien said. "Okay" Both Rini and I said. We got up and walked in to the bedroom Rini when to change first and Darien kissed me. "What was that for Darien?" I asked "I just wanted to kiss you because I can and I love you." He replied. "I love you too Darien." I say as I kiss him again. Rini walked out of the bathroom and Darien walked in. "Come on Rini I will put  you to bed. If you don't mind?" I say. "Yes mommy I don't mind." She replied. 

 So we walked to the spare room that Darien had in his apartment. I pulled down the blankets down and she climbed into bed. I pulled the blankets back on top of her and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight Rini I love you." I tell her. "Goodnight mommy I love you too." She says back. I walked to the door and turn off the light. As I walked out I close the door and walk back to the main bedroom. "Rini asleep?" Darien asked as I walked in. "Yeah I just put here to sleep." I reply. "That's good now we should get some sleep." He said. Before I could answer my cell phone rang. "Be right back" I say as I walk into the living room. I Answer the phone and guess who it is.

(Q.K = Queen Kat and S = Serena)

Q.K- Well hello Serena.

S- Queen Kat what do you want?

Q.K- You know what I want Serena.

S-  Why should I give it to you?

Q.K- Because you want to save your family and if you don't then I will hurt them.

S- Fine but its only to save my family.

Q.K- Good girl. I will send Harry to come get you.

Serena's P.O.V

That was the lasted thing she said before she hung up. I walked to the bedroom to see if Darien fell asleep and to my luck he was so I went back to the living room. I grabbed pen and paper. I started to write Darien a letter. Once I was done I left it on the night stand beside Darien's bed. I walked out of the apartment and the next thing I know I saw black....

I hope you liked this chapter next one should be up soon but not to sure yet. Please Vote and tell me if you like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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