Another pearl

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Steven and the crystal gems including peridot are all at the temple trying to figure what Steven has found

Pearl: what do you think it is

Steven: do you think it's a gem

Peridot: I doubt it it's hallow and see through, this is more like hardened glass

Garnet: Steven where did you say you found it

Steven: I don't know. I was with lion and I warped but ended up in a place I never seen before

Garnet: what did this place look like

Steven: there was a lot of white light but I was flowing like a liquid through the air but in a stream and not like a cloud

Amethyst: that's weird, it sound like you went to a different reality or something

Pearl: amethyst may be right I've been all over the galaxy and this solar system it sound like nothing over ever seen before

Garnet: if that's true this item could be anything a gem or just a simple glass. but it's best to be cautious around it

Peridot: we have to find out what this is, this could be a new unlimited power source

pearl: or it could just be glass

Steven: I don't think it's just glass it was glowing bright blue when I was there it only stopped glowing when I got back

garnet: then that means it is something alien to our reality or it is intact a gem

Amethyst: we should try taking it back to see what happens

Steven: no I have another idea instead, if it is a gem what if I try healing it. It's all broken maybe it keeping it from reforming

Steven licks his hand and puts the spit on the diamond shaped glass

the glass starts to emit a blinding light and starts to rise up off the table

Steven: it's a gem!!

Amythyst: I knew it!!!

The item then displays a map

Pearl: whaaaa

Garnet: I don't think it's a gem, I think it's just a map display

Steven: I think we should follow it

peridot: I second that we could find interesting things there

Garnet: ok but we have to be careful we don't know what we're going into

The gems head off following a set of directions on the map

They eventually reach a dead end on the side of a mountain after walking for hours

Amethyst: well we tried let's go home

Steven: what, we came all this way and you're gonna give up just like that

Pearl: Steven there's no where to go we met a dead end

Peridot: try punching through it

Garnet then punches the wall and not even a dent is put into the surface of the rock

Garnet: well we know something now, this is no ordinary wall

Steven: we need to get on the other side somehow.

Garnet: I'll use my future vision to see how we can get past

Garnet then proceeds to lift her glasses to attempt to see

Garnet: I don't see us getting past

Steven: what we have to

Pearl: I'm sorry Steven but we won't be getting past the wall. Let's go home Steven

Amethyst: yeah sorry ste-man, we have it our best shot

Steven: I guess then

They all walk back but lion looks at the wall before roaring at it

The whole mountain shakes and a new doorway opens up on the wall

Peridot: the lion was the key?

garnet: I did not see that coming

Steven: hurray let's go inside

Pearl: hold on Steven it could be dangerous

Steven disregards her worries and runs in with the item and the gems follow behind him

Steven see an empty room with only a blue socket in the wall

the item then glows and projects a single instruction on the wall

- insert in socket

Pearl: are you sure we want to do this we don't know what it's gonna do

Peridot: I think we should it could be an answer to stopping the cluster or home world

Amethyst: I'm with Steven I don't think it's dangerous if lion opened it. It might have to do something with rose

Garnet: you make good points but we don't know what it is

Steven: we have to give it a shot

Steven then inserts the item into the wall

The wall then begins to light up creating a blue light with patterns across the wall

It injects electricity into the item
powering it

then all the sudden everything stops

The item lights up and begins to come out the socket and begins to emit a light in the form of a person

Steven: it is a gem

The gem the finished reforming and
A figure droped to the ground unable to be seen due to the darkness covering it

The gem steps out into the light revealing it's form

The gem steps out into the light revealing it's form

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Ordis: hello my name is ordis. Are you my master

A/n: 821 words and pls let me know about any spelling mistakes I was very tired when I wrote this

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