The scars still not healed

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It was Diwali eve and the Indian cricket team had just returned to their hotel in Delhi after winning a T20 vs Bangladesh. The victory had given the common people of India an added incentive to burst crackers with gusto.

The ICT always watched the fireworks together every Diwali, and when Rohit and Jaddu climbed up to the terrace, they found Virat leaning against the parapet and staring up at the sky alone.

His wistfulness, unfortunately, was relatable for both of them, and they silently took their places on either side of their captain.

"Why don't we feel happy after victories anymore?" whispered Virat.

"Because we invested too much heart in seeing the Indian sky light up like this on 14th July 2019," said Rohit, quite philosophical in his sorrow.

"I don't like Diwali." Virat buried his head in his arms resting on the railing, trying to shut everything out.

Shikhar, Bhuvi, Hardik and the spin twins came up just then.

"What happened, Virat bhai?" Kuldeep asked, sounding unexpectedly loud in the silence of the terrace.

Virat straightened up and drew Kuldeep to him. "Nothing much, Kuliya. Want to watch the fireworks?"

"We do that every year," said Kuldeep.

"Yes," said Virat. "We do."

Bhuvi looked at Virat appraisingly and saw in his face the still not healed scar of the knowledge that they wouldn't win a World Cup together ever.

Jinks, Jassi, Ash and Rahul were the last ones to arrive, and as the kids were staring up into the sky, they did not comprehend but still realised that the seniors were really sad about something, and that affected the mood of the entire team.

"It'll be ok someday, Virat," murmured Bhuvi, not wanting the kids to hear.

"Do you really believe that? Because I don't think it'll ever by ok," said Virat.

"Maybe not completely ok," said Shikhar heavily.

Jassi heard them and asked in his earnest way, "Why are you sad, Virat bhaiya? We won today--and it's Diwali eve!"

Virat tried to smile for Jassi's sake, because he looked quite miserable at their sadness, but Jassi wouldn't understand; not till he had played with, by, for the same team for years and years, not till winning a World Cup with that team became his life's deepest desire, and not till that dream shatters in front of his own eyes.

"That's enough, Virat," said Jaddu suddenly. "Stop thinking about it!"

"Yes," said Virat determinedly. "Yes, I will." He called to the kids, "Want to light some crackers yourself? I've got a packet somewhere downstairs."

"The sound pollution ones!" said Hardik with his maniacal grin.

"Always trying to cause discomfort to others," muttered Bhuvi in despair.

"They're banned!" Yuzi told Hardik.

"They'll jail you," said Jassi with the evil glee he could only use on Hardik.

"Good riddance!" said Jaddu.

Hardik started wailing about how no one loved him, and Virat dragged him downstairs to bring the crackers with the rest of them following, and everything was fine again.

It's only that, once the heart breaks like that, it comes back during random moments and makes you feel like you'll never be happy again.

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