~ main characters~

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Name: Touya Yabai Arima (Touya badass Arima)

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Name: Touya Yabai Arima (Touya badass Arima)

Age: 18 (218)

Race: vampire 

 Ethnicity/Culture: albino

Birthday: 5th of September 1801 

 Zodiac: Virgo

Sexuality/Gender Identity: pansexual male

Languages spoke: Japanese, Chinese, Indonesian, Arabic, English, Korean, Russian, sign language and more.

Fears/Phobias: claustrophobia (small spaces), fear of death, monophobia (being alone), fear of failure and enochlophobia (crowds)

Do they drink: yes

Do they smoke: sometimes

Do they do drugs: no

Do they have an illness: no

Is he a virgin: no

Family: dead but his vampire family lives with him. (two older brothers, an older sister, a younger sister, mother, and father)

Ideals: he wants to find someone he can open up to and be himself with. Someone who will break past his loner guard and love him forever

Personality: He's a soft person, he gets really protective over the people he has close to him because he's afraid to lose them. He acts tough and he glares at people who speak to him. He's had his heart broken enough.

Extra info: has Depression and anxiety

Name: Naoko Midochi Tadao

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Name: Naoko Midochi Tadao

Age: 17 turning 18

Race: werewolf 

Ethnicity/Culture: English

Birthday:3rd of April 

Zodiac: Aries

Sexuality/Gender Identity: gay male

Extra info: he's deaf and suffering from anxiety and depression

Languages spoke: sign language, English, Japanese

Fears/Phobias: arachnophobia (spiders), acrophobia (heights), glossophobia (public speaking), the dark, hospitals and he's afraid of going to school

Do they drink: no

Do they smoke: no

Do they do drugs: no

Do they have an illness: no

Is he a virgin: yes

Family: he only has his big sister left but she's never home because she works to give him an education and a life. The rest of his family died in a car accident but his sister was studying at home that day so she's unharmed

Ideals: he just wants someone to be there for him and love him

Personality: he's a soft boy. He loves red bean buns and walks on the beach. He is really sensitive to bullies and he doesn't like speaking because it's awkward since he can't hear his own voice. He feels very alone because he always gets picked on but he stays strong and is sweet and kind to those around him. 

((its currently 3:37 am and im posting this, ill post the first chapter as soon as I can but ive got big plans for this story and i really hope you all will read and even possibly vote if im lucky, thanks so much for the support everyone has given me with some of my other books, youre really amazing and ill post again soon, thanks for reading and please stay in the loop))

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