"My Father?! (Ch 1)" by Orian_Pax

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Really loved the way they meet. It was just really cute, and not the usual "saved her from decepticons" stuff. In fact it's couple chapters after she knows who he is to know WHAT he is. (I actually would've liked seeing them live in that family house just a little longer)
And the way he tells her who he is was emotional. Well written so you can feel like its ur dad! I laughed how he just sneakily puts it in there, and than shes like, " omg u knew him?! Can i see him?!" I just went, "wait for it....she'll figure it out..."
And the overall relationship between the two is really sweet: calling him daddy and saying goodnight :'). Optimus' gentle and happy side is showed in this story, which i love. And the main girl is pretty funny! ("AWAY!" XD I'd so do that..once i knew thay wouldn't kill me lol)

** Story belongs to Orian_Pax. Edited by Sublimellach**


Beep beep beep!

"WHY ME!?"  Hunter yelled, rolling out of bed. Of all days, it was monday- which meant another boring day of school. Stretching as I looked over at my clock, I soon realized it was 7:30. "I'm gonna be late!" I yelled, panickedly diving for my closet and putting on a pair of my black skinny jeans and TMNT shirt.

"Morning sweetheart." My mother- well, adoptive mother, yelled. I have been in a foster home for a long as I remember, and asked many times about my real parents, but no one knew what happened to them. All anyone ever told me is that a strange man said he found me and brought me here, to where I now call home.

"Hungry? " my foster dad asked, looking up from his morning paper. (Yes, he actually reads those.)

"No thanks, I'll pass today," I said then walked out the door and headed to my best friend's house, Austin.

"Hey loser!" He yelled in greeting, meeting me halfway like we did everyday.

"Hey fuzz, forget to brush your hair?" Hunter said, ruffling his hair.

"Quit you know I hate that!" He said,  slapping away my hand.

"Yea, I know," I said, ruffling it once more for good measure then running away from a now mad Austin.

By now at school, Austin stops at his turning point in the hallway.

"So, wanna come by my house after school today?" He asks.

"Yeah sure!" I replied happily as they both turned to head towards their classes. I no sooner than walked into mine before I heard my name.

"Ms. Hunter! You are very late!" My math teacher yelled from behind his big desk.

"Yes Mr. Jason, I'm sorry my alarm didn't go off in time." I said, giving him a big innocent smile.

"All right I'll let you get away with it this time, but next time you won't be so lucky." He walked up and handed me a math paper.

"Thank you Mr. Jason," I bent down to start my assignment.

______[Time skip]_______

The bell rang, thank god signaling that school was out for the day. Hunter and Austin had the same classes for both third and fourth blocks,  so they didn't have to meet up anywhere before walking back.

[E/N: for those not familiar with the block system, (cuz i know many schools that don't do it) 3rd and 4th would be like 6th, 7th,8th, and 9th periods in total. Block classes are generally 70-90 min long.]

We got there and climbed up the stairs to his room. Well, I climbed, he stomped.

"So how was your day?" I ask, trying to make conversation.

"Eh," was all Austin said as we slung our things at his bed.

"Just 'Eh,' that's all?" I asked, getting slightly worried. I could see the pain written on his face.

"Austin what happened?" I sat on the bed next to him.

"Nothing, just some kids again that's all." I felt anger rising inside but ignored it.

"What'd they do now?" I said, putting my hands on his shoulder.

"They were saying things about you; calling you things that shouldn't be said," he growled. "But it's OK, I took care of it." He looked down then looked at me with a smile. I just stared at him before breaking the silence.

"Thank you Austin," I said heartfeltly, patting  his shoulder and standing. "How about we play a little Destiny?"  I said, stretching.

"Ha you're on!" He yelled excitedly, running to the living room to get it started. 'This is gonna be fun'. I sit by him and watch him start up the game.


Well, as you see, someone else agreed! Yaaay! ^-^

*does dance*


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