Intro and info for authors

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Hey everyone! Idk bout you...but i dont usually read these things when they're loooong!! Haha thats why i sorta made a summary in the description, but a down side, it wont explain as much or as well! :/ Read this if you're still confused!



A book of all my favorite wattpad stories, except I want to edit them a little. I WILL be asking the authors permission beforehand! Also, I will put an "all rights go to..." before EVERY chapter.
(And I really do hope authors agree, because I'm hoping this will bring their books more attention. But I can't do that if no one agrees.)

Every professional author has an editor. The editors do more than spell check; they make sure everything is as good as possible! They look at character development, plot holes, etc. With my book, authors get an editor free of charge!

Basically, I want to edit because it will help benefit every one: me cuz i love editing, authors cuz they get free help, and readers cuz (if i do my job right!) It will be better or easier to understand.

I really am not, in ANY WAY, trying to offend anyone or their stories. (No writer is perfect! I have trouble with Grammer, setting a scene, character development, etc, ALL the TIME!) I'm trying to help and give pointers on what could be changed to make the story "flow" better.

.......... Did that make sense? Did I explain myself ok? If you have questions or need some part explained more, feel free to ask or comment, as long as they're not hate. Those u just keep to urself please ;)


I take requests! So any stories you liked but think should be edited, or maybe YOU'RE the author and would just like me to go over it and edit it for you.. either way, comment or PM me the name of the story and the link if you can, and I'll look into it.
Authors, if you cant handle constrictive criticism, don't apply. I will sometimes fix more than just grammer. This doesnt make your story bad, everyone has trouble with something, I promise!
Id prefer if you sent me what you have thru messages, email, etc. Otherwise, I must retype EVERY WORD you already wrote again for myself, to edit it. And that took weeks. -_- I will not give it away or post it until you read it and agree to!


Well, see guys (Hopefully!)

Sublime Cherry

(yes im obsessed with cherries :p get over it, they're amazing!)

Edits Of My favorite FanficsWhere stories live. Discover now