Chapter Fourteen - Just A Boy

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Billy had to agree with Freddy—Superman was cool. Superman and Black Adam were fighting, and Superman was doing everything right. Every blow Black Adam sent at him, Superman countered perfectly. All the Fawcett City citizens who had ran away when Billy was fighting Black Adam had returned, now filming the fight with their cell phones.

Superman was moving closer to Black Adam, dodging all attacks coming his way. Soon, he was staring directly into Black Adam's eyes. Black Adam said something to Superman who said something back. Black Adam clasped his hands together for another attack, but Superman had grabbed him. A fraction of a second later, he was being smashed into a building. You had to admire Superman's style.

Black Adam stood up and brushed off his suit. He took one last look at Superman before retreating, flying away into the distance. Everyone began clapping, and Superman put his hands on his waist in victory.

"Yes!" Billy shouted. Superman had made it look so easy.

Billy felt something warm all of the sudden and looked down. The left leg of his suit had burned off. Billy gingerly touched the skin showing, and immediately drew his hand back. It was burning hot. Billy needed to get back to himself.


As soon as he said the word, a searing pain shot through his leg. Billy looked down to see that his jeans were ripped on the left side, exposing his leg. "Ow, ow..." Billy hopped backward on his good foot, then fell as his legs gave way. He leaned on the back of a dumpster in the alley, wishing the pain would go away.

"Excuse me, young man."

Billy looked up to see Superman standing above him.

"Have you seen a man that—oh, you're hurt!"

Superman kneeled down and touched Billy's leg.

"Hmm, it seems to be burning hot," Superman blew toward the leg, and steam came out of his mouth, freezing Billy's leg over. Once it thawed, Billy could not feel the pain anymore. Billy guessed this was what Freddy called Superman's 'freeze breath'. Billy wondered if he had that.

"Um, thank you," Billy stammered, not knowing what to say.

"Anytime," replied Superman. "How did something like that happen in the first place?"

"Oh," Billy was usually pretty good at improv, but nothing was coming to him. "Well, you see I—"

"Wait," Superman stared close at Billy. "You're him, aren't you? You're Shazam."

"Who? What? No. I'm not... him. No, not at all. I mean, I wish! Right? But no, I'm not—I can't—I just..."

Superman groaned. "Oh, no. This is not good. This is bad."

"What do you mean?" Billy asked.

"You're just a kid! Just a boy. I mean, do you realize how much weight is on your shoulders? You have no idea the power you possess, and the potential you have."

Billy was confused. "What exactly are you saying?"

Superman sighed. "I'm saying that you need to figure out how to get rid of the powers."

"What?" A couple of days ago, Billy would have agreed with Superman, but now?

"It's too much power for a boy like you to have. You could change the outcome of wars with those powers. Believe me, I know the responsibilities that come with those powers, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone."

"But it's not that bad, right?" Billy said. "I mean, come on. You fly around all day saving people."

"It wasn't that easy at first. Everyone hated me because I was something different. People fear the unknown, and that's what we are. There are still tons people that want aliens like me gone."

"There are other aliens?"

Superman hesitated. "Yes. But that's not my point. My point is that, when I started doing the whole hero thing, it wasn't easy. And even before that, as a boy. Being stronger than anyone at the school, but being picked on for being the weakest. It's not easy. It's difficult, dangerous, and it hurts people you love."

"Well, perfect then," said Billy. "I don't love anyone."

Superman frowned. "I'm serious, kid. You need to get rid of the powers."

"No way!" Billy exclaimed.

Superman sighed deeply, then flew off.

Billy touched his leg. It was fully healed. Cool.

"Okay, kid," said Superman from behind Billy. "I'm going to let you in on a secret."

Billy turned, but instead of Superman, it was a regular guy. "Hey, I recognize you. You're Clark Kent. Wait, you're Superman!"

Clark or Superman, whichever, smiled. "Sure am. And you are?"

"Oh, Billy," Billy shook Clark's hand. "Wait, so you work for the newspaper and as a full-time superhero?"

Clark sat down beside Billy. "Pretty much."

"That's so cool!"

Clark shrugged. "Sometimes it's alright. But most of the time? I'd rather be anyone else. Being Superman is stressful, and it took a lot of time to get it right. You have no idea how many times I screwed up before something good came out of my using my powers. People treat me differently because I am different from them. That's why I keep my identity hidden and work at a newspaper. Just to gain back a little of that normal. The powers you have are too much of a risk, Billy. To yourself and others. Take a chance to be normal, and don't look back."

Billy thought it through. He loved his powers, that he knew. He loved the feeling of just being able. But it could get out of hand, quickly. "These people," Billy motioned toward the street. "Are in danger because of me. Because Black Adam is searching for me. Because of my powers."

"You want to get rid of them?" Clark prompted. "It's completely up to you."

Billy nodded. "Yes. I want to get rid of them."

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