Surprises and Scary Moments

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📖✯~My name is Shuichi Saihara. .~✯📖 

I toss and turn attempting to get the sounds of constant ringing out of my sweet dream, only to finally have wake up to my cellphones ringer. "Hnn..." Unenthusiastically, I turn myself over to grab my phone from my nightstand. I gently rub my blurry eyes to get a better view of my phone's screen, only to be blinded by the brightness. A sigh leaves my mouth as I realize who's calling me, let alone how early in the morning it is. "I should've known..." I reluctantly answered the phone call.

"Hello Kokichi..." I say in a low and exasperated tone. "Good morning sleepyhead! Is my beloved Saihara-chan ready?" "R-ready for what..?" I couldn't even begin to imagine what kinds of shenanigans my boyfriend would come up with today, he's always up to something. Even when I think i can conclude that he had finally done it all he's never failed to prove me wrong. "I'm almost there Saihara-chan!" Kokichi said, ecstatically. "What?! Kokichi where are you going?! I-it's three in the morning!" I said in disbelief. "Im coming to see you of course! Neeheehee! See ya later!" "H-huh..? Wait! Koki—chi..." The call dropped before I was able to question him. "How does he know my address?" I wonder to myself. I laid in my bed for a while, processing all that had just happened and pondering what Kokichi may have in store for me.

After a couple of minutes I finally decided to drag myself out of bed. Boy, am I a morning person, then again it is 3:00 in the morning. I stretched and then proceeded to flick on my bedroom lights, squinting at the sudden change as bright light filled my entire room along with my entire field of vision. My bedroom has a bathroom attached to it so I decide to go in there to get dressed. Suddenly I hear my doorbell ringing nonstop. "Jeez!" I exclaimed in annoyance, before running towards my bedroom window and opening it abruptly. Cold air blew through my short blue locks, and the stacks of paper I left on my desk were sent flying across the entire room. I looked down in the direction of the front door to find a short boy with messy purple locks ringing my doorbell repeatedly. "Kokichi!" I whisper-yell while throwing out frantic hand gestures to attempt to get him to stop, before closing my window and running downstairs to open the door.

For a moment I nearly failed to remember that I was sleeping only in a t-shirt and my boxers, but thankfully I realized in time as my hand suddenly paused on the door knob before I ran back upstairs flustered. I grabbed some sweatpants and awkwardly pulled them over my lower half, almost toppling over in the process. Just as I was about to head back downstairs to let Kokichi in, I heard tapping and a muffled voice coming from the direction of my window. Of course I ran towards my window to investigate the noises, after all I AM the "Ultimate Detective" why wouldn't I investigate? I drew the curtains and on the other side of the window and behold, I discovered Kokichi Ouma carefully perched on top of the branches of a tree that conveniently had the perfect height and alignment with my bedroom window. I decided to open the window to let him in since he already climbed the entire tree and it'd be dangerous and outright illogical to make him climb all the way back down to use the door.

"Hey Shuichi!" The shorter boy said, still perched on the branch.
"Kokichi what're you doing up here?!" I exclaimed, while slightly out of breath. "You we're taking a while to open the door and you were at the window earlier so~ I decided to climb the tree to save some time! Never mind that Shuichi, why are you so out of breath? And your face is super red! Were you doing something naughty while thinking of me? Neeheehee" "No! J-just come inside!" I said before turning away shyly and walking away from him.

Leaves and branches rustled violently behind me.
"SH-SHUICHI!" Kokichi cried out in an obviously panicked tone. I don't think I've sensed genuine fear from Kokichi since the finale of the killing game. Before I knew it my entire body instinctively turned around and swiftly moved towards the window. Kokichi had managed to get his pant leg stuck on the branches which caused him to miss his jump towards the window, but thankfully he was able to grip the window frame just before he had the opportunity to fall. "Kokichi! Be careful! You could've seriously hurt yourself!" I said. "Sorry Shuichi.." He apologized in a pouty tone, while stuggling to try to hoist himself over the window frame. "Its fine" I said with a sigh, "L-lets just focus on getting you inside." I extend my hand out to help him in, naturally he took it, seeing as it was his only option to get inside safely. He planted his foot onto the frame with the help of my assistance, but.. he slipped. again.

"Oh god Kokichi p-please no.." Tears instantly invade in my eyes, flooding out and clouding my vision as they descend into the earth below me as well as onto what I can rightfully assume to be Kokichi's lifeless body. My blood ran cold as my stomach remained pinched over the frame of the window. It feels as if time has stopped, as if everything is frozen I can't tell if my heart is beating sporadically or if it just stopped beating entirely. I cant feel a thing. I let him fall.. 

"Uh Shuichi, are you gonna pull me up or just leave me here? Hanging from your bedroom window is pretty boring y'know" Kokichi said half-jokingly. My eyes widened and out of instinct I blank away all of my tears, allowing my vision to improve. My eyes finally locked onto Kokichi's. Headlights of nearby vehicles illuminated Kokichi's body in the shadows of the dark night. Because of how quickly everything happened I hadn't realized that I managed to clasp Kokichi's wrist, catching him mid-fall. Thank god I caught him.

I immediately pull him up and in with full force, causing me to stumble and fall backwards, unavoidably dragging him down with me. After a moment of us just laying on the cold hard wood floor Kokichi broke the silence that filled the room. "That sure was a close one, huh?" The sound of his voice instantly hit me as soon the first word he spoke even left his throat. Which sent a strong wave of emotion through my entire body like heavy ocean tides crashing down on me from above. In return I said nothing. Whatever array of emotions that just impacted me are downright unidentifiable, at least right now they are. There's no way I could have the capability to process my thoughts or feelings right now. Then again, who would be able to after pretty much going through all 5 stages of grief seconds prior to sudden relief. Suddenly and without another word Kokichi started to prop himself up onto his palms to get up. Impulsively, I shifted onto my knees, tugged him back down and embraced him.

"Wow Shuichi, you're so clingy~ Neeheehee" Kokichi chuckled in a playful tone. How could he be so calm? How is he so playful even after what had just happened? Was he not shaken up by it?! Does he simply just not care for his own wellbeing?! Why? I don't understand! "It's not funny Kokichi! What if you had gotten injured, or if I'd lost you...?! WHAT WOULD YOU SUPPOSE I SHOULD DO THEN?!" I blurted out. I realized my tone had gotten harsh as my words slipped off my tongue. It sounded like I had just scolded him ,which wasn't my intention. It just... It scares me to think that he could easily slip away from me in the blink of an eye. Tears uncontrollably fled my eyes once again. These feelings.. shock, anger, sadness, fear, confusion and relief had combined into one.

I could tell that my words reached the depths of Kokichi's heart as I felt his body tense up and his pulse accelerated to the point where it became audible. He wrapped his arms around me, clutching the fabric on the back of my shirt in his small hands. He lowered his head until it was buried in the crook of my neck. For once I feel as if his actions are genuine, maybe he's finally casted aside that fearless and overly-confident façade of his. At least in this very moment. Kokichi proceeded to speak in a muffled, low wavering voice. "An Ultimate Supreme Leader like me-" Kokichi paused for a moment to take in a deep breath before continuing on, "couldn't die that easily..." he said on exhale. Suddenly, Kokichi embraced me tighter. I think he was crying too.

📖  ✯  ~  .  * _  .  -  *  +  *  -  .  _  * .  ~  ✯  📖

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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