Episode 40| Bait

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I didn't grasp what took place, not at first at least, or what demon possessed Conrad. What had me running like hell, other than his shaking fist, was also Grace. I hadn't seen turn red like that before, howling at everybody to get out of her house. She took the side of her brother, confusing me more. I thought she was cool, or at least cool with us being there. Turning to Picasso, he told me nothing. Instead, he gave me a silent treatment all the way to the car.

Danielle was no better. She eyed that dumb phone of hers, giggling now and then to show me she had her attention elsewhere.

"You guys have to talk." I demanded.

"Your friends are a bunch of bone-head, backwards Becky's," Danielle said, speaking as though she was the mega-phone for the group. We were all cramped inside of Picasso's car. I wanted to bring Noora with us, but she stuck around Grace—barely paying me any mind.

Picasso gripped his steering wheel. "You were the one who brought us here, hoping to—I don't even fucking know at this point. Befriend these fools? I was lookin' at their cars. That was a six-car garage they had. You guys see that?"

"I sure did," Javier hooted. "Nice lookin' front gate. Looks easy to get through."

"Shut up," I snarled. "You wouldn't dare."

"I wouldn't what?" he squinted. "I was playing."

"I wanted you guys to get along with them," I said, turning to the backseat. "I go into the kitchen for less than half an hour, and then suddenly I come back with the room at war with each other. What the hell were you doing?"

"What did you expect? None of us thought we'd vibe with those prissy ass bitches anyway," Javier scoffed. "You're lucky I didn't bust any of their kneecaps."

"With what? Your imaginary crowbar?" I coughed.

Picasso laughed. "Where the fuck you going to get something to do that?"

"I'd improvise," he shrugged. "Lamp, fireplace rod, etc., etc."

"She wanted us to kiss their asses. Now she's mad she didn't get what she wanted," Danielle cooed. "Admit it. You wanted us to act like we were in awe at their presence."

I narrowed my eyes, sending daggers through my gaze at her from the passenger seat.  They were unbelievable at times. "That wasn't my idea. I didn't want ya'll to come, anyway. I would've preferred to stay at my own house and not be dragged out here like this."

"I had plans," Danielle countered. "You know today was the first day of the presidential debates. I was finna watch it with my brother and mom. We like watching the debates."

"Now I know your ass must be lying," Javier hooted. "Who willingly wants to watch that shit? You know if you asked me - "

"No one did." Danielle rolled her eyes, popping her gum in defiance.

" - if you asked me," he went on, "I would say I'd absolutely  consider writing in 'Popeyes Spicy Chicken Sandwich' before I vote for Joe fucking Biden."

"I'd pick a sack of potatoes before I picked him," Picasso pipped in.

"I'm pretty sure people with a criminal record can't vote," I hollered, wanting to burst his bubble. "Aren't you prohibited from voting and owning firearms?"

"Ha ha, you ain't funny."

"I'm not kidding."

"You should be," he said through gritted teeth. I didn't know what the seriousness in his eyes needed to intensify just over a joke.

It was more weird, if not, that he dropped me off first. I was expecting him to take me to my place last, hoping for that really. He wasn't making any eye contact, speaking only to everyone besides me in the car. The irritability could be sensed from a mile away. I knew there had to be something else up with him. 


Today was the first day in a week that Genesis decided to make an appearance to school. Our presentation was in the matter of four days and I had avoided every chance I could manage to be in the same vicinity as her. But, on the way to the restroom on Tuesday, I bumped into her after walking out of a stall.

"Hi partner," she said, pouring a ounce of honey on each letter as though we had somehow transformed to friends. "How have you been?"

"Worse now that I see you." I snarled. 

"I could say the same."

"I tried to get out of this presentation, if you want me to be honest."

I had rushed to Mrs. Moore's class, begging her till she requested for me to leave. She had enough of me. The matter was settled and I had no way of getting out of this.

"She's going to kill me," was what I kept repeating.

Mrs. Moore laughed. The bitch really had the nerve to laugh in my face at the mention of MURDER. I was ready for blood shed, and this time it wasn't Genesis I wanted to punch. I wanted to do a right-hook punch on my Home Ec teacher...and I would've, if it weren't for the fact that Danielle had accompanied. 

Danielle stroked my shoulder, helping me out of the room after the fifth warning from Mrs. Moore. "She was not in the mood for any of your requests to do it alone."

"Can't I just switch with you? Picasso is my boyfriend."

She tilted her head. "You can't be that serious. It's one assignment. You'll survive."

With how Genesis was eying me now, none of me was sure of what would happen if we spent more than an afternoon together on this project.

"So, when are you going to my house for this project?" Genesis asked, walking to the sink. "I'm open today and tomorrow. This shit is due soon." She sniffled.

"Why even come to the presentation? Ain't you two coughs away from death? I heard you got a virus. I don't want that. Maybe you should be focusing on them funeral plans instead of this project."

I saw her crack a smile through the reflection of the mirror. She shook her fingers, splattering droplets on the glass. "You found out about the kiss? That explains why you're so salty."


"I kissed Picasso."

"You're the one joking around now," I snickered. "I don't believe that."

"I did...don't you notice he's been acting weird with you?"

A stall to my left opened, scaring me a little and rushing me to the sinks. It was one of Genesis minions. I had forgotten her name, not carrying to recall such a trivial thing. 

"You know," the girl who was half my height said, "Picasso and Genesis never broke up."

"You are making way less sense than her." I got soap from the dispenser and started to wash my hands. It was useful to get going now. I was not in the best mindset to keep doing this mind game Genesis had me going through. "Picasso and I --"

"Are a fake relationship," Genesis finished. "He only got with you so that we could have access into that shiny gated community of yours. And from what I've heard, he's got access and so did Javier."

"You sound dumb." I pulled the paper out, wiping my damp palms. "About that project? Forget about it. Either be at my house tonight, and drop this stupid lie you're trying to use one me. It's confusing. You wanna piss me off? Then actually use a logical example."

I cocked my head to the side, facing her friend. "Don't bring your entourage." 


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