Episode 6| In the Horizon

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a/n: The song for this chapter is Dark Red (above)

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"You have to leave, you can't stay here, Anton." I ordered him, pushing at his firm chest so he could be on his way and off my front step. "I don't know how you got here. Frankly, I don't care all that much either. Find your way back to wherever you came from."

"Whoa, where did that come from? You seemed so excited a second ago." He studied my wondering gaze and irregular paced of breathing, spinning around to see the boy who had all my attention stolen. "Him? It's because of him? I thought you didn't want to be with anyone, Sydney."

"I'm not with him, lower your voice."

"But you're gawking at the fucker. Who is that?"

"Anton, please just go," I whispered, veering in to a warning tone.

"I'm not going anywhere now." I could see the inner workings of his mind, playing out his next move. Anton wasn't a shy person. He never was one to let his emotions go unknown. And with how he was glaring at Picasso, jaws clenched, and fists formed, I had gut feeling that this wasn't going to end pretty.

Picasso walked a couple steps behind Martin, squinting at the figure ahead of me as though he was inspecting a foreign object. He didn't try to conceal what he was doing, eying Anton while he trekked to the front of the apartment.

"Hello," Anton introduced himself first. He was a lot of things, but being disrespectful to random strangers wasn't a common trait of his. Offering his hand to Picasso, he told him his name. He didn't call me his "girl" which made me overjoyed. Regardless of that, Picasso only nodded in my direction and I didn't know why it hurt more than I expected it to not getting a verbal greeting.

"Does my mom know you brought over a guy?" Martin asked and I honestly wish he would keep his mouth shut for a second. I heard Picasso make some type of vocal response to that, following my cousin in to the tiny apartment. I didn't want to see what expression he was wearing now, no doubt full of disdain.

"I didn't invite him. He won't be staying long. I promise." I told Martin and grabbed the door knob, closing us off from the two people inside. "You have a bad tendency of showing up when you aren't asked to."

"Hey," Anton chimed.

"I'm sorry, but you do. You should go. This wasn't a good idea," I said, patting his back. "You should get going before traffic gets bad. You don't want to hit that bad 4 o'clock gridlock."

"It's Los Angeles," he said, shrugging, "there's traffic going on somewhere at every moment of the day."

"You should get a head start then."

"But what about the tickets?" He waved them in my face. "I can't go on my own."

"You can take Noora."

"How did you know she was here?"

I did a double take. "I didn't know that. I know she gave you me address, though. Where is she?" I sidestepped passed him, and held my shoulders in a way that refrained me from budging from my spot. "Let go of me. I only want to talk to her."

"She refused to write down your address so she said she would drive me here."

"That doesn't make it better."

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