Fire vs. Wind

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Eisenwald Wizard: I told you, theres no undoing the barrier.

Grey then walked in.

Ryu: Grey! Bad news. Erigor is targeting the guild masters in clover!

Grey: I know!

Erza: Right now the station is covered in a wind barrier.

Grey: Yeah I know.

Ryu: Its gonna be hard to break out of it, even for me. And I'm not trying waste any excess magic by using my secret art. And even if id did, this town would be destroyed if I launched it full power.

Erza: Wait a minute. I remember them talking about someone named Kate back at the back while I was traveling.

Ryu: Was he the one that broke the seal to lullaby?

Erza: He must have be. We have to find that man.

Grey: A dispeller? A seal breaking wizard! He can take don the barrier.

Ryu: But the only other guy member who could be here is... Ponytail!

I then flew of to find him, he was probably near Natsu.

Erza: Be careful.

Grey: Erza I think you forgot who you were talking to. When it comes to tracking someone, Ryu puts wild animals to shame.

I then went to find Natsu and that Kage guy.

When I heard 20 different explosions I knew Natsu was near buy.

Ryu: There you two are. I knew if I followed Natsu's sent I'd find you Kage.

Kage: You! I still need to take you out too. Your magic is probably like his? You. eat magma to increase your magic power. Should be just as easy to beat as him.

I then started to laugh.

Ryu: Its funny that you think thats all there is to my magic. Here let me demonstrate.

I broke of a piece of stone from the wall and I melted it into magma.

Ryu: If theres something that can be melted down into magma I can eat it. So someone like a rock wizard is powerless against me.

Kage: Ok thats slightly more annoying, but it still doesn't matter to me!

Ryu: Anyway I want you to take down the barrier thats surrounding this place.

Kage: And what makes you think I'll actually do it?!

Ryu: Cause if you don't your not only gonna get beaten by me, but by some who's cruelty knows no bounds. So for your own sake, come along.

Kage: No way!

Ryu: Well I tried to wan you. All yours Natsu.

Natsu: Oh yeah! I'm Fired Up!!

Then their battle began. Kage went for his shadow knuckle while Natsu just kept dodging them.

Natsu: Ha Ha!! HAH!!

Kage: Alright fairy! Snake Shadow!!

Then a bunch of snakes came from a magic circle.

Kage: You can't run this time! They'll tear you to pieces!

Natsu: I've got this.

Natsu then got ready to use a move.

Natsu: Fire Dragon: WING ATTACK!!

Then like I have many times before, Natsu used his fire to simulate a dragons wings to destroy the shadow snakes.

Kage: Impossible! He was able tho defeat them with one shot! So much power. I didn't really think wizards like this existed!

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