Eyes now settled on me, accompanied by a scowl that told no other story but toxic judgment. Or at least that was how I saw it.

"Are you happy now? Was it worth it?" She asked me, her eyes fading between green and gold. "It must not matter to you, since that shoulder will be fine at any moment."

"So what?" I scowled at my best friend. "It's not my fault. I'm cursed, so please don't make it seem like I just go around letting people use me anyhow."

Aria's eyes narrowed. Placing one leg in front of the other, she folded her arm and scoffed. "Sure, that is why you annoy people to the point that the only thing they want is your head."

"Pfft, so now it's my fault my head is desirable?"

This time she said nothing, just a blank look, and I threw my hands up in surrender. Although even I have to admit, she has a point.


"Rogues are not allowed on our territory, we have the right to shoot down anyone and every outsider. I suggest you turn around while you still can." A voice came from the trees. I couldn't make out the person. That was strange. There was a faint scent, but it seemed directionless.

It was not surprising, though, with the amount of wolfsbane I was injected with, any other person would probably have died by now. Well, the perks of being cursed!

"Please, we mean no harm, I swear, we are just passing through," Aria shouted at him, making sure to show her neck in submission. Ugh, she is so humble when she wants to be. She never shows this side to me.

"Get out of here!" He yelled and shot at us with an arrow.

The nerve of that son of a bitch. I staggered forward, the earth spinning and the ground I swear was moving like a piece of thread you tugged against. Somehow, I pulled myself up.

"Hey, you, who the hell do you think you are? Come down here and stop acting like a scared pup!" I yelled.

Aria grabbed my arm harder, warning me to stop. When has that ever worked?

"She doesn't mean it, sir, I promise," Aria pleaded.

"I swear I will kill you! No no, that doesn't sound right," I shook my head, gesturing at Aria. "My friend here will kill you," I slurred. Yup, I am definitely drunk on wolfsbane.

"What the hell are you doing?" Aria yelled at me, letting me go. I staggered backward and fell on my butt.

"Oof!, what did you do that for?" I scowled at her, rubbing my generous behind.

"Gosh, Iris! Are you crazy?" She screamed at me. Something hit the ground in front of me.

Is that an arrow?

I gasped. What is wrong with these people?

Another one flew and landed right beside me.

I looked up and saw Aria already shooting some back at them, well at the trees, because they weren't in our line of sight or that could just be me. Who knows? I tried to get up, but the ground kept moving under me. What the hell?

"Watch out!" Aria screamed at me. I tried to move my limbs, but they had other plans. I toppled over and fell.

I could hear Aria shouting, but the only thing I saw was the glistening metal head of what I assumed was an arrow heading towards me. This was it. After everything I had gone through, this is how I die? Well, I wasn't expecting much from my life, anyway. A hundred and twenty-five-year-old wolf, kidnapped 64 times in my short years on this earth, attacked 145 times oh wait, the one that actually kills me 146 times. Healed 895 people under threat and just three of my own free will. Lived in almost 26 packs,( one time the pack was just a camp of rogues with no Alpha, beta, or Gammas just rogues camping ) and all these packs I did not live in for up to three years. I know, I know my life sucks. But at least you would think the Moon Goddess would care more for a wolf she cursed with healing abilities, but oh no, it didn't stop there. I mean, I know my life is crappy but I don't want to die now! I have nothing else to live for but still, come on.

"Are you okay" Aria shook me yelling, she caught the arrow and sent it back into the trees.

What would I do without her?

Oh wait, I'd be dead!

"Can you stand?" She stood in front of me, this time slashing the arrows with her sword.

I tried again, at least this time I got to my feet, but as usual, the ground had other plans; I fell again.

Our attackers were already running towards us. Aria stood waiting for them to approach us. While I was so sure Aria was the most skilled fighter I had ever seen, it would take a miracle to get out of this.


"Did you hear that?" Aria already bent into a fighting stance. I focused on my hearing to help me. I couldn't hear a thing. While Aria was the largest female wolf there was ( and am pretty sure she is cause I've seen all there is, literally I've been everywhere). I am pretty miserable, clumsy, slow, small, so so small. It surprises me how I can even call myself a Lycan.

"Iris! Move!"


Scrambling to my feet and I ran towards a sword that fell out of Aria's hand and swung it at the guy that approached me. I didn't hit him. Big surprise, it fell, and he stepped on it. Would you look at that golden opportunity!

"That was pitiful," he growled.

"Yeah, I know, but this probably isn't" I pulled the handle of the sword up and he toppled, falling onto the rock behind him. Ouch! The bones cracking ugh! I can totally feel that. I ran to see how I could help Aria. She fought gallantly, switching from wolf to human form when the situation called for it. Bulldozing through our attackers like the angel of death. What did I even think I could do here?

You see, Aria's ability to be so in touch with her wolf is what makes her such a gallant fighter. Plus, she is from one of the foundational packs specially gifted by the goddess. She has the ability to transform partially or fully, and that was completely up to her to control. I, on the other hand, hate being naked. It is intrusive and wrong to fight naked. Really, it's just wrong.

"Need help?!" she yelled at me

"Nope, nope, I got it." I ran towards the tree in front of me, trying to get away from the wolf chasing me. I wasn't getting very far, but I had an ace up my sleeve. I threw copper wires that hung around my hips around the branches as I ran towards the trunk, but while he probably expected me to stop or turn, I kept running.

I ran up on the tree trunk and the big heavy wolf couldn't be as swift as I. So definitely a loud thump was only expected.

When he realized and turned around, I pulled on the wires hard, and since they were made of fine thin metal; they sliced straight through causing the branches to come down on him.

Ha! Still got it. That should hold him for a bit.

I ran in the other direction and all I saw were injured wolves, about three dead.

"Aria!" I yelled.

Her wolf turned to me, blood dripping from her mouth. I could see the ripped jugular of what used to be a blond girl caught in her mouth.

"Enough! Let's go!" I said.

"Any clothes?" She asked as she picked up a ripped piece of cloth and wiped her mouth.

I rolled my eyes. "One day you are going to walk around naked."

She shrugged. " I don't have a problem with that. It'll be easy to change."

Gosh, I really hope Aria has a mate that makes her shy, cause the girl has no shame.


Iris: Child of prophecyWhere stories live. Discover now