Part 24 - Rumours

Start from the beginning

"As good as who?! What are you talking about?" Asked Dex, genuinely puzzled.

"We both knew I was never going to be able to compete with the girls from your world!" Cried Millie, tears began to roll down her cheeks as her emotions took over.
Dex screwed his eyes shut in disbelief of what she was saying. He had no idea she felt like that.

"What? How can you possibly think that Millie?" He shouted back at her, Millie hated when he was mad, he was such a calm, laid back guy, she knew he had to be really angry to shout. But she still couldn't help shivering at the sound of her name in his accent.

"Dating you has been the hardest most exhausting thing I've ever done! I have flown across the world 100 times just to see you for an hour, I've spent thousands of dollars on flights and trains and gas and stayed awake for 24 hours to travel just to hold you when you've been sad, I have nearly fallen asleep on stage after driving 6 hours just to see you for 5 minutes! I've lost friends, I've lost fans, I've put up with you crawling all over Ricco all the time, sharing a bed with him, if anything I can't compete with him, do you have any idea how hard it is to see you hanging off him?, I.."

" Ricco's...." Millie started, blindsided by his speech

"Yes! I know! He's fucking gay, or so you say but that doesn't make it any easier! You might not have a sexual relationship with him but it still kills me to see how much you love him, how much you idolise him, you're always in his arms, you always go to him when you need comforting, your face lights up when you see him, you sleep in his arms for god sake, Millie!" Dex continued, his eyes watery, he struggled to hold it in long enough to say what he needed to say, what he had kept inside for as long as he'd known Millie.

Millie just listened, silently. She had no idea he was keeping all this in his head.

"And you have the nerve to claim that you can't compete with the girls in my life? What girls are even in my life Millie?" He continued, getting really emotional he struggled to fight back the tears.

"I've given you every single minute of my down time until I'm barely surviving with no breaks, I've given you every single literal piece of me and you're telling me I'm doing things behind your back! What the fuck? Where the hell are you getting that from! When have I got time to see anyone else?!" Dex exhaled deeply, out of breath

Millie didn't know what to say. She wasn't expecting him to say any of it and to see him so riled up was new and unnerving. She'd never heard him shout like that.

Feeling intimidated she spoke quietly, not wanting to make him more angry.

"From magazines, your phone, you get endless girls texting and messaging you online, every single day. Everyone says your seeing Isy Brennan, she says it herself" replied Millie, cautiously, holding up her phone with the text displayed as she wiped a tear from her face with her sleeve.

"Magazines?! Seriously! You know the utter crap they've written about you, you know they talk shit, why would you believe that?" Asked Dex, genuinely confused, he thought he had schooled her on the press, he thought she understood. It was just another reminder that his not getting involved with fans rule was there for a reason.

"Because it's all the time Dex, It never lets up" Cried Millie, perching on the arm of the couch she sobbed into her hands, waiting for him to comfort her like he always did when she cried.

He didn't move.  

"Yes, they're relentless, you know that, that's my life, if you can't handle it then... " he stopped short of finishing that sentence, knowing he would regret whatever the last part was, his voice softened at the realisation that maybe it was his fault, or at least his lifestyle was to blame for their problems

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