"Can we stop talking about his sex life?" I huffed, removing my hands from my ears and leaning back on the couch.

"Has your mom contacted you after the Olympics?" Riley asked, thankfully changing our conversation.

"No." I asked, checking my watch for the time. "Haven't heard from her in months, thank god."

"You blocked her number, didn't you?" Nick asked, setting his phone aside.

"When has that ever stopped her?" I scoffed.

"Fair point."

"I told her if she contacted me again I'd get a restraining order." I shrugged, which certainly gained the attention from the two silent men on the other couch.

"That's a bit extreme, no?" Zayn asked with his brows scrunched together.

"You haven't met her." I rolled my eyes, remembering the last time I saw my mother.

"And you don't want to." Harry huffed in annoyance. I almost forgot that he had met my mother once, and it was the most awkward, painful experience of my life. I was convinced for weeks that Harry was going to break up with me after he met her.

Harry's gaze shifted to me for a brief second, eyeing my reaction to his comment. I avoided his eyes, though, and tried my best to ignore him without seeming rude.

"My dad even said he'd help me file one against her if I needed to, since he's a lawyer." I added. "Hopefully I won't have to take it that far anytime soon."

"Hey, where's Louis?" Nick asked Riley, which made her shift in her seat. I eyed her weirdly, sensing something was wrong if she reacted that way to the name of her boyfriend.

"No idea."

Something was definitely wrong, because she glanced at me and gave me a look saying "we will talk later."

"I stopped by there earlier and he was home. Should I invite him over?" Harry asked.

"No!" Riley nearly shouted, quickly composing herself and clearing her throat. "I mean, no."

Everyone looked a bit taken back, including myself, at her outburst.

"O...kay?" Zayn chuckled confusedly. "Riley, can I talk to you for a second?"

Riley tensed up beside me, but stood up anyways in response, following Zayn down the hall to one of the rooms.

Nick being Nick, he noticed the weird tension that sprouted since Harry was now the only person here with us, and decided to fix it by clearing his throat and walking to the kitchen, which did not help at all.

"So..." I trailed off awkwardly, looking over at Harry.

"So..." He responded with a nervous chuckle, twisting the rings on his left fingers.

It was moments like this when I felt nervous talking to him. Now every time I see him, I'm reminded of everything; the lips I used to kiss whenever I wanted; the hands I used to hold; the soft hair I used to be able to run my hands through; the body that I was once allowed to touch; the tattoos I used to trace with the tip of my fingers. I doesn't feel real thinking back to that time of my life, and the huge impact it had on me mentally.

"I don't believe you."

"Pardon?" I asked in confusion to those four words.

He sighed and shifted his body so he was sort of facing my direction. "I don't believe that you are fine with me being here. You've been avoiding me since the night you got back and I know it."

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