"Oh, I'm sorry, are you unsatisfied with your roommate?" Yunho scoffs, glaring over his shoulder at Mingi.

"You have too much stuff, okay! I should start drawing a line in the middle of the room!"

"Do you guys have roommates too?" Hongjoong asks, looking at the four new-comers and trying to distract the attention from the taller guys who are having a friendly argument once again.

"Yeah, mine is Jongho!" San smiles and points to Jongho who is busy opening all the snacks.

"I live with some Australian-Korean kid called Felix from Nano Medical. He talks... really weird..." Wooyoung frowns. "I had hoped to room with Yeosang, but unfortunately that didn't happen. Maybe next year!"

"What about you, Yeosang?" Hongjoong turns to look at Yeosang who has been sitting quietly on the edge of Seonghwa's bed, just shuffling his feet around on the floor.

"Yeosang lives alone too." The words just fly out of Seonghwa's mouth and his eyes widen up in shock as it happens. Everyone is staring at him, probably wondering how he knows that.

"Yeah... I... I told Seonghwa about it earlier," Yeosang cuts in to save him. "I was supposed to share with this guy from Busan but he never showed up, so..."

Seonghwa and Yeosang exchange a quick relieved look before returning to the conversation with the others.


An hour later everyone is chattering away while watching the movie. Yunho has thrown a blanket over the window to reduce the reflection of sunlight on the screen, causing a comfy and calming dimness to lay over the room.

Seonghwa has positioned himself on the floor, back leaned against the wall and with Yeosang next to him. A bowl of chips is standing between them, and when they both reach into the bowl at the same time their hands brush against each other. Seonghwa feels how his cheeks start to blush and he is thankful for the blanket over the window, so the others won't notice. He takes a quick peek at Yeosang who is fully focused on the movie while he slowly chews on the chips in his hand. Seonghwa smiles before moving his eyes back to the screen as well.

The words Yeosang had said last night has been rushing through his mind all day, but he hadn't dared to ask Yeosang about it. But it is okay, everything is okay and just right in this moment. And now he knows that he in fact makes Yeosang feel happy.

A sudden buzz from his phone in his pocket distracts Seonghwa from both Yeosang and the movie. Or at least the latter. His body heats up the second he opens the text he just received.

You look fucking sexy
Would like to feel you inside of me right now

Seonghwa side-eyes Yeosang while reading his messages, and Yeosang just proudly puts his phone back down and continues to watch the movie and eating snacks with a grin on his face. Seonghwa scoots his hand closer to Yeosang's free hand, which is resting on the floor next to him, and gives him a little pinch. His move results in a brief fight with their pinky fingers before Seonghwa grabs his phone again to get back at the younger.

You'll get way more than that.
Behavior like this needs to be punished.

As soon as Yeosang finds his phone again, Seonghwa watches him like a hawk. The light from the screen lights up Yeosang's beautiful face, and he bites his lower lip with a smirk when he reads through the messages.

I'd like to see you try, I really would

Don't test me, Kang
You'll just regret it later.

I sure hope I will

Having to sit through the remaining movies might be the most difficult thing Seonghwa has ever had to do, and he suddenly regrets suggesting them to come to his place. All he can think of is ripping all of Yeosang's clothes off, throw him on the bed and kiss him all over. His body feels warm and any position he tries sitting in is uncomfortable.

To his luck, Hongjoong is starting to drift off to sleep during the end of part one of "The Deathly Hallows" and the others agree on watching the last movie some other time.

When Wooyoung asks Yeosang to walk back to their rooms together, neither Yeosang nor Seonghwa can come up with a believable excuse for him to stay, so he leaves with his friends. About fifteen minutes later though he is back and Seonghwa literally pulls him in through the open door and pushes him onto the bed.

"I thought we'd never be alone," he pants against Yeosang's soft lips, while unbuckling his belt and slowly pulling it off. "Now... Put your hands behind your back."

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