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The crackle of a fire roared, heat surging through the peaceful town once known as Acrine. Screams filtered through the dark uncertainty of night, clouds rushing away from the unrelenting moon. Piercing green eyes stared down into the burning town, expression straight yet worry danced across her eyes. Her fingers anxiously laced in and out of themselves as she stared over the stone balcony into the blazing heat. There was a clank of metal and the girl startled, whirling around to face a simple guard.

"My Lady, I didn't mean to scare you, my apologies." the guard spoke through his helmet.

She sighed. "It's alright, Andrew."

The guard slowly pulled the helmet from his head, tousling his curly brown hair. His face illuminated by the torch lit near the door he had entered from. A small smile crept over the girl's face and she took a step closer.

"How's it going? Will it take long to put the fire out?"

Andrew closed his eyes and massaged his temples. "I... don't know. I'm sorry, My Lady. A lot of resources have already been destroyed and both civilians and guards have lost lives trying to stop it."

Her face fell and her shaking hands slowly clung to each other. She glanced back, her eyes scanning the burning town. Pain crashed through her body and she swallowed hard.

"How many times does this make?" she managed, her voice strained. Andrew looked down at the cobblestone pattern beneath them. He scratched the back of his head and sighed.

"Six, My Lady."

The girl gritted her teeth and whirled around, taking a few steps closer to the edge of the balcony and staring out at the raging fire once more.

"Your father thinks it's time," Andrew continued.

"My father is a fool!" she snapped, storming back towards Andrew. She stopped herself, shaking her head.

"My Lady-"

"I'm sorry, Andrew. I should probably be heading off to bed,"

The girl pulled the maroon cloak tighter on her shoulders, tucking a strand of visibly dirty blonde hair behind her ear. She took a few steps closer to the door before Andrew ended their evening meeting with,

"Goodnight, Lady Calista."

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