Chapter Seven- Savior (Rewritten)

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(A/N: So I wanted to add a quick Trigger Warning, in which the Joker forces to character to kiss him. Nothing more happens, and it happens right at the beginning, but it will be descriptive. I just wanted to forewarn you guys just in case. Secondly, the conversation between the Joker and Batman comes directly from the movie, so all credit for that goes to Christopher Nolan!)


I could tell that the city below me was in chaos. I had been in the background of the Joker's video, announcing what he wanted to do to Gotham, but the camera hadn't been on me. I know that I would be reported missing, and I knew that Bruce would be on the case to find me as fast as he was able. I just had to wait. As I was thinking on this, I was suddenly grabbed. I gasped and turned, to see the Joker. We were in a building that was still being constructed, so I was surprised that no one had seen us. The Joker grabbed my arm, as my hands were tied behind my back and pulled me over to a window. I looked out at the city, seeing a mass evacuation, police, the National Guard. It was chaos!

"Isn't beautiful? All the chaos? It's how humanity was meant to be, what it will always become." He said. I didn't say a word, I didn't want to say what was on my mind. However, he grabbed my arm harder, causing me to groan in pain. "Speak!" He growled.

"No!" I said, and he gripped my arm even harder. I cried out in pain.

"What?!" He growled again.

"It's not beautiful! It's horrible, it's evil, it's wrong!" I growled back, and he laughed.

"After all that's happened, you still think that?" He asked.

"I will always think that! No person is inherently evil, no person wants this except for you!" I snarled, and he laughed again.

"You won't think that soon enough. You see, madness, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push! And you'll get that little push tonight!" He said, before dragging me to a pole and tying me to it. 

"You won't win, you know." I said. The Joker looked at me, then laughed.

"I don't want to win. I want this city to know reality." He said. Suddenly, he roughly grabbed my face, and kissed me!! On the lips!! I kept my mouth shut, and tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let me go! He ended up shoving his tongue in my mouth, so I bit down, forcing him to stop.

"Get off me!!" I screamed. He stepped back, laughing. 

"Soon, my little won't be able to get enough of me!" He laughed continued laughing, then kissed me again! Unfortunately I couldn't do much with my hands tied behind my back. Once he finally stopped kissing me, and let me go, he laughed at the horrified expression on my face, before walking over to a radio of some sort. I listened as best as I could, but all I could make out was something about two boats, an explosion, and midnight! I was so worried, I hoped Bruce found us soon! After the Joker was finished with that, he brought in four dogs. Three of them were Rottweilers, who were all snarling and barking. I could tell that they had been trained to fight. The fourth was a Pitbull, but he was staying away from the others, and the Joker, with his tail between his legs. However, that's when Bruce showed up, and I smiled.

"Batman!!" I called. The Joker turned to look at him.

"Oh, you made it! I'm so thrilled!" He said.

"Where's the detonator?" Bruce asked. The Joker was silent.

"Go get him!" He said, and the Rottweilers charged at Bruce, while the Pitbull stayed behind. The Joker charged at him as well, and they began to fight, while I turned my attention to the Pitbull. I whistled, and he looked over at me.

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