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Hey all, SleepyGal_40 here! I'm gonna be honest, I really hate the way this story sounds. I re-watched the movie a couple nights ago, and reading this story I have found many plot holes, inconsistencies, and a story that moves way to quickly. So, I am going to rewrite this story. I won't delete the chapters or anything like that, but I will be going in and rewriting the chapters so they sound better. I may end up adding more chapters so the story doesn't move as fast, or I may leave it as is. That being said, I would love for you guys to come back and read the story when I've fixed it! Thanks for reading it in its cruddy state, I promise I'll make it sound better!

Edit: This story is now fully re-written, and I am much happier with how it has turned out! I hope you all enjoy it in its re-done state! Thanks for reading it!

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