To Win Her Heart

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*Dash's POV*

I stood waiting outside the school gates; it was my day to pick up Bambi. I saw the little furball a way off, milling through the crowd. She walked slowly over, and we left.

Walking the forest path, she didn't do much. Just kicked at the occasional rock and stared at the ground.

"How was school?" I asked.


"What did you learn?"

She blew a raspberry and I laughed. "That bad huh?"

Bambi nodded.

"Why's that? What's wrong?"

"I don't want Mr. Xander as my teacher anymore."

That caught me by surprise; Bambi had always loved X.

"What? Why?"

"He's dating mummy. It's weird."

I turned sharply and stared at her.


"Mum and Mr. Xander went on a date."

Oh hell. That Sylveon is smooth as... something that's smooth. Ah, forget it! I'm smooth too! Besides, Bella said she likes me, right? Then all I need to do is tell her that I like her. Sorry Xander but Bella, I've never met anyone like her before... and... I love her. I swear, I will win her heart.

I smiled and nudged Bambi. "Don't you worry bout anything. Come on, Chris made muffins."



I lay on my bed, but I didn't sleep. I'm plotting. How can I make Bella realise? She was angry because she thought that I had used her. She's stubborn, to convince her that I do indeed love her I'll need some big romantic gesture. Something grand but simple. I need something super-effective. I lay there racking my brain but came up empty.

"Argh, come on!" I whispered in frustrated anger.

I smacked my head with my paws. This is ridiculous! Seriously, what the heck!? This has never happened to me before. I don't know what to do. Sure, I've had crushes and whatnot, but this girl is driving me crazy! Love is stupid. But I won't be able to rest until I tell her.

How though? After all that self-reflection I'm back at square one! Why is this so hard? I miss the days when things were simple. When we could just be us and that was it... The days when things were simple? When we were just us? I grinned to myself. It's time to paint the town in the colours of the past. I sat up, walked to my desk and flicked on a light overhead. I grabbed a blank journal from my desk drawers and grabbing a pencil in my teeth I began scribbling over blank pages.


*Bella's POV*

I pushed open the doors to the post office and walked in, ready for work.

"Morning, Mike, Eddy."

"Morning," replied the Furret.

"Hey," said Doduo.

I passed through the entry into the back room. I walked over and found my saddlebag ready to go. It was stuffed with mail and a few small parcels. I slipped my head and one leg through the loop, slinging the bag over my shoulder.

I sighed and walked outside. Normally I'd run, anxious to finish my shift, but not today. Today the sun was just peaking over the horizon. Slowly, it crawled into the sky, dragging Pokémon from their slumber.

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